Chapter 17 [Edited]

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Shortly after Maya was released from the hospital, our lives went back to as normal as possible. Matty, Ollie, Eli, and Maya all got older, and our lives became hectic. Elliot and I barely had any time to talk, because I had taken a long leave from SVU since I wanted to take care of my family since we almost lost Maya.

"Hi Momma." Maya yawned as she came out of her bedroom, a bit after her brothers and Elliot left for the day. Matty is 6 months at this point and was playing with his toy keys on a blanket in the living room.

"Hey baby! How did you sleep?" I asked, as she walked over to me. She sat down and I pushed her short hair down and she yawned.

"Good. I wanna go back to school." She breathed.

"Baby, you've only been out for three months. The doctor said you shouldn't go back yet." I breathed. She climbed off the couch and sat next to Matty, and started to play with him. She was quiet so I knew she was upset with me.

"I'll talk to your doctor, Maya." I breathed, and she turned around and smiled at me.


"Yes, baby,"


I was in bed when Elliot got home, Matty sleeping next to me. Elliot's side of the bed was covered in pillows.

He did whatever he did when he got home and then came into the bedroom, noticing right away that I was awake.

"What are you doing up?" he asked.

"Couldn't sleep,"

"What's on your mind?" He asked.

"A lot," I replied.

"The kids?" he asked, as he picked up Matty and cradled him in his arm, before climbing in and putting our son on his chest.

"As always." I sighed. He yawned but kept his eyes open.

"This is the first time we are going to have an actual conversation in forever." He chuckled, and I nodded before pulling the blankets up around me.

"Our daughter wants to go back to school..."

"What?" He questioned quickly.

"She doesn't want to stay home anymore." I frowned, and he used his free hand to grab my hand and squeeze it.

"What are we gonna do?" He asked.

"I have no idea, El. I'm scared."

"About what?" 

"What about the fact that our daughter just got out of the hospital three months ago, and she might get sick again." I breathed, and he nodded slowly.

"Maybe she's ready." Elliot breathed, as a frown settled onto my lips.

"I don't know, El. What if she gets sick... and has to be hospitalized again?" I whimpered.

"We will never know, if we don't let her go back."

"Elliot if I allow my daughter to be hurt, what type of mother am I?"

"Just you asking that says a lot for how good of a mother you are." He breathed. A few tears ran down my cheeks, and I reached a hand out to rubbed Matty's back as he slept.

"Will you take the morning off so we can go and talk to her principal tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course, love."


The next morning, Maya, Elliot, Matty, and I went to the school to talk to her principal. We dropped the boys off before the meeting.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stabler." The principal spoke, and the four of us went into his office.

We sat down, and Elliot pulled Maya onto his lap while I held Matty.

"Maya, it is great to see you, sweetie," He spoke.

"So, we were wondering if it was possible to send Maya back to school," Elliot asked. Maya had been doing some sort of homeschooling, but it wasn't the same.

"Is she healthy enough?" The principal asked.

"She is, but I'm still scared of her getting sick," I replied, and he nodded.

"Mrs. Stabler, we are already trying to keep the school as clean as possible, because we have some other children that have immune sicknesses." He replied, and Elliot and I nodded.

"So, if she got the clearance from her doctor, would she be welcomed back?" Elliot asked.

"Yes. Maya is always welcomed here. With a signed note with permission from her doctor, then we will get her in a class." He smiled. Maya squealed, and Matty started to giggle, enjoying his sister's excitement.

"Thanks so much," I spoke.

"No problem."


Maya danced around as I packed the lunches for her and her brothers. Elliot was laughing. The whole family was super happy today.

"I can't wait to go!" Maya squealed, and I chuckled.

"Baby, we have an hour before we leave," I replied.

"Can we leave now, Momma? I wanna get to class early!" She exclaimed.

"No, baby. Let's go and get your bag." Elliot spoke, as Maya ran to him, and Elliot held her hand as they went to get her bag. Eli and Ollie sat at the table, finishing their breakfast, while Matty spread oatmeal over his highchair tray and all over his face and clothes.

We left an hour later, Elliot joining us before heading to work. We dropped the boys off before walking Maya to her classroom.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stabler!" Mrs. Rogers exclaimed, and we smiled.

"It's so nice to see you." Elliot smiled, as he passed Matty over to me. I placed him on my hip, as he shyly sucked his thumb.

"Maya, are you ready to start school again?" The older woman asked as Maya jumped up and down, her face bright with excitement.

"Yes! Are we going to the library together?" Maya asked quickly.

"Actually, today we are walking to the public library to check out some books." Mrs. Rogers chuckled.

I started to panic, and Elliot reached into his pocket, before handing Mrs. Rogers a mask.

"Make sure she wears this when at the library. We don't want her getting sick." Elliot spoke, and my anxiety level lowered.

"No problems! Maya, why don't you go unpack your bag." She smiled before Maya ran off. 

We talked to Mrs.Rogers for a few minutes, before saying goodbye to Maya and going out to our car.

"She is so dang cute." Elliot chuckled as we climbed into the front seats of our van.

"She is never going to stop talking about today," I replied.

"I'll be so worth it, Liv. Maya is so happy to be finally back in class with the other kids." 

"Seeing a real smile on her face is worth more than anything."

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