Chapter 15 [Edited]

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After a while, everything went back into place. We started to plan for the arrival of our son, which was only 16 weeks away. It seemed like a lot more time than it actually was going to be. Maya, Oliver, and Eli were excited and frankly, Elliot and I were too.

"Alright, boys and Maya, get your jackets," I spoke as I tried to get them out the door.

"I don't feel good." Maya yawned as she walked out of her room.

"What doesn't feel good?" I questioned.

"My belly and head." She replied, as I walked over to her. I placed my hand to her forehead and frowned.

"Go get back in bed, princess. I'm gonna call Daddy and I'll be in to check on you soon." I replied. I kissed her forehead and sent her on her way.

"Is Daddy gonna take us to school?" Oliver questioned quickly, and I chuckled.

"Sounds like it bud."


I kept a close eye on Maya the whole day, eventually forcing her to take an ice bath because her temp wouldn't go down. 

"How's she doing?" Elliot asked when he and the boys got home that night. Maya was cuddled up to my side as she slept.

"Still has a fever. Come and see. I don't know if I should take her to the ER or what." I sighed. He placed his hand over her forehead and frowned.

"She's burning up. We should take her in," He replied.

"I can take her in. We shouldn't take all the kids in." I replied as he looked me over.

"Babe, you look exhausted," Elliot spoke.

"Must be your son," I stated, and he smiled softly.

"I'll take her. You get the boys to bed and then get some sleep yourself." He stated.


I got a call from Elliot late that night. I quickly answered it because both of the boys had slept in our bed that night.

"Hey," I whispered as I walked out into the living room.

"Hey. Um can you get someone to watch the boys?" He asked.

"Why?" I replied.

"Just come to the ER. I'll wait outside." He replied as I bit my lip.

I packed some things for the boys and took them to Amanda's, then I drove to the ER. Elliot was standing outside, his face paler than I have ever seen it before.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Something is seriously wrong with Maya."

"What?" I breathed.

"They ran tests and took her to get scans. The doctor isn't going to tell me anything unless you are there." He replied, as I ran my hand through my hair and nodded.

"Alright. Let's go."


"Stage 3 Leukemia?" I questioned, and the doctor frown and nodded.

"Yes, Mrs.Stabler. Have you noticed weird bruising on your daughter?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I guess. She has two brothers and they rough house, so I thought nothing of it." I replied as Elliot rubbed my back gently.

"Well, the fever and the bruising are signs of the Leukemia, the stomach ache is just from the fever since they can be tied together." The doctor replied, and I nodded slowly.

"Is she going to be alright?" I questioned, as I bit my lip.

"We are going to start chemo and radiation as soon as we can get your permission, and then we are going to test every relative's bone marrow for a transplant," He replied, as I ran my hand through my hair as tears went running down my cheeks.

"Of course." I breathed. He gave me some papers to sign, and then I went to sit with Maya. They decided to wait until the morning to start chemo.

"Momma, I don't feel good." She yawned, as I shifted forward in my seat and caressed her hair.

"I know baby. I'm so sorry." I breathed, and she reached her arms out towards me. I climbed into bed with her and held her close.

"I wanna feel better, Momma. Make me feel better." She yawned.

"I'll try baby, but I can't promise anything," I replied.


I went home for an hour to shower, but then once I got back, I had no plans on leaving. Elliot went between the hospital and home as he attempted to get the kids situated with our sitter.

"Alright, I come bearing tea," Amanda said quietly, and I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as I took the cup from her outstretched hand.

"Elliot asked me to come to check on you since he is trying to get the boys' schedule figured out with your sitter." 

"Thanks, but go home to your boyfriend," I replied, and she blushed before sitting down next to the bed.

"Nick understands. He wants to be here too." 

"Amanda, can I tell you something?" I asked, and she nodded quickly.

"Of course, Liv." She replied.

"I'm freaking scared." I whimpered, as she reached out and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"She's a fighter, Liv. You all are going to make it through this."

"I know that she is a fighter, but when my daughter is on the line, I can't take my mind off of the worst thing to happen."

"It won't happen." She replied.

"But what if it does?" I mumbled.

"It won't, Olivia! Don't be like this." She stated as she started to cry quietly.

"I can't lose her, Amanda. I just got her back, I can't lose her."


I wasn't allowed to sit with her while she did radiation since I was pregnant. So Elliot and I sat in the waiting room, both of us anxious.

"They said an hour, right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah. It seems like we have been waiting for hours," He replied. I nodded slowly, before looking at my watch and frowning.

"We've been waiting for 5 minutes." I groaned, as I shifted in my chair and grabbed Elliot's hand, before squeezing it tightly.

"Calm down, baby. We could do something to try and pass the time."

"What?" I questioned.

"Think of baby names?" He offered.

"I don't want to right now." I breathed.

"Well, I guess we can sit in awkward silence and just get lost in our thoughts." He teased.

"I hate you sometimes, Elliot."

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now