Chapter 7 [Edited]

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"How was drop off?" Elliot asked as I walked into the squad room, my eyes red from crying on the way over.

"Horrible. Your son sure does know how to break my heart." I replied, and he came over and gently kissed me.

"I know it was hard, but he needed to get back to school. Eli had the same teacher when he was younger, and he had tons of fun. Now, let's get some coffee into you or else you are gonna be grouchy." He spoke, and I elbowed him and he started to laugh.


Elliot and I got off of work at the same time, so we went to pick up the boys together. We found Ollie and Eli on the playground.

"Momma! Daddy!" Ollie squealed when he saw his. He ran towards us, and Elliot picked him up and we both covered him with kisses. He giggled, and that was music to our ears.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked as Eli joined us, and I ran my hand over his curly blonde hair.

"Yeah! I got to play kickball with Eli!" Ollie exclaimed as he looked at his brother, a large smile on his lips. 

It was amazing to see how quickly they accepted each other, and this arrangement.

"I bet that was fun. So, how would you two like to get going and maybe pick up some dinner on the way?" Elliot questioned, and they both nodded quickly.

"I want ice cream." Ollie giggled, and Elliot laughed.

"Not for dinner, Mister."


After we ate and the boys did their homework, Ollie was exhausted and Eli was playing video games.

"Ollie, baby, wanna go to bed?" I asked as I knelt next to the couch, where he was half asleep.

"N-no. I wanna play my turn." He yawned, and I smiled softly. I caressed his hair and smiled softly when I saw his eyes fluttered shut.

"Oliver. Come on. Let's get you changed into your dinosaur pajamas and then all warm in bed." I smiled, and he shook his head.

"Momma." He yawned, and I picked him up. He didn't fight me, he just wrapped his arms around my neck.

I changed him into his pajamas and then helped him brush his teeth. Once done, I carried him back into his bedroom and tucked him in. As usual, he was surrounded by his stuffed animals and his father's sleepy smile plastered on his face.

"Want me to read you a story, or do you want to just go to bed?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Can you stay in here until I fall asleep, Momma?" He asked and I smiled.

"Anything for you, baby." I beamed. He played with my hand as he slowly drifted off, mostly focused on the promise ring that Elliot had gotten me.

"I like this Momma." He yawned, and before I could respond he was asleep, and I chuckled quietly. I leaned in and kissed his forehead, before turning on his dinosaur night light and leaving the room before closing the door behind me.

"He out?" Elliot questioned, from where he had taken a spot on the couch.

"Yes. It was a big day for him." I smiled as I walked over and sat down next to him. Elliot wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started to kiss my neck, completely forgetting that Eli was in the room.

"El." I breathed, trying to stop him, but he just continued. It took me elbowing him in the side to stop him.

"What?" He questioned, and I pointed at Eli and he laughed.

"Eli, why don't ya go and play your game in your room." He spoke, and Eli stood up and started to unplug his gaming system.

"Dad, how long can I stay up?" Eli questioned as we stood up.

"Till 9. No later. We WILL be checking in on you." I spoke because Elliot had nothing but going into our bedroom on his mind.

"Alright, 9:30?" He spoke, and I gave him a look telling him no, and he nodded.

"Alright, night!" He exclaimed before going into his room.

Eli's door was barely closed before Elliot was pulling me towards our room.

"Eager?" I questioned, as he started to unbutton my shirt.

He didn't respond. He just slammed his lips into mine, silencing me. Personally, I wasn't finding what he was doing.


5 months after we arrived, Ollie and Eli were being watched by Amanda, and Elliot and I were finally able to go on a date. We both dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant.

"God, so many wine choices." I chuckled, as we looked over the wine list.

"Pick whatever one you want, Liv." He smiled, as he reached over and took my hand before squeezing it.

"We should just go and get some beer at a bar." I smiled, and he laughed.

"Very classy, Liv." He smiled.

We talked a little bit about work, but mostly about the two boys who were the center of our lives.

"So Ollie wants to go to that new Dino Land," I spoke and Elliot laughed.

"He's obsessed." He replied, and I nodded.

"Yeah, well Eli wants to too," I replied, and he shrugged.

"Maybe during summer break. Here comes dinner." He replied. Our plates were sat down and we both started to dig in when I felt my hand being squeezed again. I looked up and he had a meaningful smile on his face.

"El?" I questioned.

"Have you given any more thought to my question?" He asked, and I blushed slightly.

"El, I don't know. Maybe if the question were to arise, I would probably say yes." I replied honestly.

"What would be the right time?" He asked, and I thought for a moment.

"Just a private moment between you and me. Something sweet and I'm pretty sure it will make me cry." I laughed, and he chuckled.

"Well, um, Liv?" He spoke, and I arched my eyebrows.

"El?" I questioned again. He gave out a small sigh and pulled me to my feet. People started to watch and I blushed.  He took my hand in his and got onto one knee. My breath hitched and I placed my other hand over my mouth.

"Olivia Benson, you are the best thing that has happened to me. We have had our rough patches, but all couples do. You have given me an adorable son, and have made my life so amazing. I know this isn't the private thing you wanted, but at least I didn't hide the ring in your potato. So, Liv, will you marry me?" He proposed.

CLIFF HANGER. I bet ya hate me, but don't worry, I'll update soon. Thanks for reading and sticking around. :D

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now