Chapter 16 [Edited]

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"Why does sissy have no hair?" Ollie asked as we stood outside of Maya's hospital room. At this point, she's been fighting cancer for 6 months.

"It's the treatment, bud," I replied. He frowned as I kissed his cheek gently.

"Let's go and see if Maureen is here," I replied. He nodded slowly and grabbed my hand. I leaned down and picked up the carrier that held my son, Matthew Elliot.

"Are you gonna come home tonight?" Ollie asked as we walked together.

"Of course, buddy. Daddy and I have a meeting with Maya's doctors and then we are going to come home." I replied.

"Okay, but can you promise me something?" He asked.

"And what is that, mister?" 

"Bring Maya a present from me?" 

"Of course, Ollie. I think I can do that tomorrow." I replied.


Maureen took the kids home, and Elliot and I went into Maya's room, dressed in hospital gowns and masks.

"Momma!" Maya exclaimed, before coughing. I walked over and rubbed her back.

"Don't get so excited, Maya. You need to stay calm." I breathed.

"I wanna go outside, Momma." She spoke, as Elliot chuckled.

"You'll be out there in no time, Maya."

"Daddy, have Momma let me go outside!" She exclaimed, before going back into a coughing fit. A nurse came in and put oxygen on her. Maya frowned and laid back, grabbing her large teddy bear and cuddling it close.

"I hate being in here." She frowned.

"We know baby, but this is where you get better," I replied, as she shrugged.

"I miss my bed and my brothers." She frowned, as I ran my hand over her head and then sat down next to her, so I could hold her.

"They are all waiting for you to come home, Maya. So let's continue this fight, alright?"


We watched cartoons with her for a while, then the doctor came in. He motioned for us to follow him into the hall. We hugged Maya then left with the doctor.

"So, Mr. and Mrs. Stabler, I have some good news." The doctor smiled.

"Is Maya okay?" I asked.

"She's amazing, Mrs. Stabler. Her blood counts are where we want them, and by the looks of it, she's in remission." He smiled, as my eyes lit up.

"Really?" Elliot spoke, taking the word right from my mouth.

"Yes. I want to keep her here for another week, make sure her immune system is good before sending her home."

"What can we do to make sure she stays healthy once she is released?" I asked.

"When she goes out, keep a mask on her. If any of the boys are sick, make sure she has a mask on. Plenty of handwashing."

"Deep clean the apartment?" Elliot chuckled, and the doctor laughed.

"That would help, Mr. Stabler." He smiled.


It was amazing to tell Maya and the boys that she was coming home. When it got closer to the day she was coming home, we cleaned the apartment from top to bottom. It was harder than it sounded since we have a 7, 10, and 2-month old that got in the way.

After a good 12 hours, we had finished and Elliot and I went into our bedroom and both flopped down on the bed.

"I didn't think our apartment was that big." I yawned, as I stretched my sore limbs.

"We may need to get a bigger one," He admitted, and I nodded.

"Yeah, Matthew is already growing like a weed, just wait till he is older like his brothers." I sighed, as he chuckled.

"You want another little girl, don't you?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I love my boys, but having Maya is amazing. I'd like a little girl, but I'm afraid that if we try again in the future, my world will be overrun by little Elliot look-alikes." I smiled.

"At least they are good looking," He spoke, as I elbowed him in his side.

"That nose though." I teased and he laughed.

We cuddled up next to each other and were just starting to doze off when Ollie came into our room.

"Momma. Daddy. Can I sleep in here tonight?" He asked. I sighed, before moving away from Elliot and going to pick up our son.

"I guess. But tomorrow you are sleeping in your own room, alright?" I spoke.

"I guess." he smiled. He laid his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his back.

"He knows how to work you, Liv. He always gets what he wants."

"Hey, he was my only son for five years. He could get away with m-u-r-d-e-r if I allowed it." I smiled, and he chuckled.

We laid in bed, our son between us, and of course his large teddy bear. I reached over him and grabbed Elliot's hand and fell asleep.


"Here we are." Elliot smiled as he carried Maya to our apartment front door.

"I can walk, Daddy." She giggled, and she wrinkled her nose and I smiled.

"The oxygen nubbins bothering you?" I asked, and she nodded.

"It is better than being in the hospital, though." She replied, and I nodded. I opened the door and the boys came running to the front.

"Maya!" Ollie squealed, and once Maya was on her feet, they hugged.

"I missed you Ollie." She spoke, as a smile settled onto my features. This is what I missed. I missed my family being together. My sons and daughter being able to be together. The house felt empty without Maya being there, even though there were three other kids.

"I made you pictures!" Ollie squealed, before starting to run off, expecting his older sister to follow. I picked up Maya and held her oxygen tank in my other hand. I carried her to her bedroom, where Ollie was spreading the tons of pictures he had made just for this day.

"Those are amazing, Ollie." She smiled, as I sat her down. She walked over and knelt down next to one.

"Do you like that one?" he asked.

"I don't have hair, Ollie."She frowned.

"It's just away for a while, Maya. Just like when Momma was gone for a bit, but she came back, and so will your hair." He smiled. Tears ran down my cheeks as I smiled.

God did I miss this.

The Return~A Bensler Fan Fic~ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now