Chapter 22 [Edited]

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"I'm his partner," I spoke, and the doctor nodded.

"Well, he lost a lot of blood, and his condition is touch and go." He replied.

"Do you think he will live?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"We won't know. Once the first 24 hours have passed, then we can tell. For now, no visitors." He replied, and I nodded slowly.


We went back to the precinct and I sat at my desk, my head hung. I was hurting everyone that meant anything to me.

"Olivia, go get some sleep," Tucker spoke, and I shook my head.

"I can't sleep. I need to find whoever is doing this."

"What was the description that Munch gave you?" He asked.

"Younger than me, reddish hair and white," I replied.

"Anyone you know connected to James, that had that description?" He asked, and I bit my lip and nodded as tears welled in my eyes.


"Who is that?" He asked.

"She was the vic that led us to James. He kidnapped her and knocked her up the first time he took me."

"Do you think they were together?"

"Maybe. She was pregnant, so maybe she is going after me because her baby's father is dead."

"Let's go track her down."


We tried every address that we could and still couldn't find Fran. We stopped and got something to eat when the glass window right next to my head shattered and screams echoed through the diner.

"Everyone down!" I screamed, before getting my gun out and running from the building, Tucker right on my heels.

"Liv, right there." He breathed, and I aimed my gun at Fran.

"You are a fucking bitch!" Fran screamed as she shot at me again, and we both ducked, before getting closer.

"I didn't kill him, Fran!" I exclaimed.

"My children don't have a father anymore!" She screamed, shooting again, this time barely skimming my arm. I didn't care, I just kept going.

"He wasn't a real father to them! He raped you, Fran! He forced you to get pregnant!" I screamed, and she shot again, hitting Tucker.

"Keep going, Liv!" Tucker exclaimed as he hid behind a car. I pulled my trigger once, hitting Fran's hand and she screamed out in pain. I ran and kicked the gun out of reach.

"He raped you. He kidnapped you. He forced you to have his children. James is rotting in hell, and now... you are going to prison for the attempted murder of several police officers, and for breaking and entering. Plus so much more."


I walked Fran to a squad car, and put her in, before slamming the door.

Tucker was sitting on the edge of an ambulance, as they check him out, and I walked towards them.

"How is he?" I asked, and the paramedic looked at me.

"You're bleeding, Detective." She spoke, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, as she grabbed my other hand and pulled me down so I would be sitting.

"So, what happened?" Chief Dodds spoke, and I sighed.

"The woman who has been coming after me, Fran Michaelson. She tried to kill me, and when we were in pursuit, she shot Tucker and my arm."

"Alright, where is the rest of your squad?" He asked, and Tucker and I laughed.

"Do you not pay attention when you get a call or something that says that 5 detectives were either bombed or shot?" Tucker spoke, and Dodds rolled his eyes.

"Alright, go to the hospital, and I'll see you both soon."


When we arrived at the hospital, we were both admitted for our wounds, even though they weren't that bad. I thought it was stupid that they wanted me to wear my arm in a sling, even though my arm was only grazed.

"Detective Benson?" A nurse spoke coming over to the emergency bay I was waiting in.


"Can you come with me?" She asked, and I nodded slowly.

I got out and followed her towards an elevator, and we got in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Your husband is awake, and is asking for you."


I walked into Elliot's hospital room, and he was covered in bandages, but his eyes were open.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked.

"I was shot. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Hurt all over. How did you get shot?"

"Fran, the girl who James kidnapped the first time with me. She was the one who bombed the crew, shot Munch, and shot me and Tucker."

"What?" Elliot replied.

"She and James hooked up, and they have a few kids together."

"Oh my fucking god," He replied, and I frowned.

"Baby, the kids walked in on our apartment. It was covered in blood and destroyed. She wrote something pretty nasty on our wall. We can't go back there." I breathed, and Elliot frowned.

"We won't. Stay with someone until I'm out, then we can go and get a place."

"No, I'm getting our kids back, and I think I'm gonna go look for a place to rent tomorrow morning. Maureen will let me stay with her."

"I love you, Liv."

"I love you too, El. Get better."


I rented a place within a week, and got all of our stuff out of the apartment, while only the stuff that wasn't covered in blood. It was small but worked.

Cragen, Munch, and Elliot were the sickest of them and were in the hospital for a while. Amanda, Fin, and Tucker were released and went back to work.

"Alright, Olivia, can I see you in Cragen's office?" Dodds asked, and I nodded slowly.

I went into Cragen's office, and Dodds smiled.

"Alright, SVU needs a CO."

"Who are you gonna get?" I asked.

"Well, you."

"Me?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes. You have been working SVU longer than any of the others. You are going to be the CO until Cragen, Munch, or Elliot comes back."

"So I'm the last choice?" I chuckled, and he smiled.

"Make Cragen proud," Dodds replied, and I nodded slowly.

"I will, sir. Thanks for picking me." I breathed, and he nodded.

"I know that you will be the best option. Now, take this office for now, and we'll get the crew in here to get briefed on this case."

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