Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

So it's been a couple months since our date. And let's just say I'm smitten. Luke Brooks is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I didn't want to date him because I thought all guys were the same. Turns out I'm very wrong.

The Janoskians have gotten big, very big. They're going on tour next Wednesday and let me tell you it's bitter sweet.

"Hey" Luke said walking into my room. I looked down at my hippo size jumper and grunted.

"You are three fucking hours early." I said through clenched teeth and he laughed.

"Nah your just late"

"That doesn't make sense!" I yelled as he grabbed me by my waist. He pressed his lips to mine and I pulled him closer.

"This makes sense" he mumbled on my lips and continued kissing. We fell on to the bed and he took off my jumper leaving me in shorts and a sports bra.

"You're turn" I replied cheekily and removed his shirt.

We kissed more each time getting more and more passionate.

He started slipping down his jeans when my asshole of a dog jumped on the bed and bit his nipple.

"Fuck" I screeched and picked her up.
"Bad bad bad" I hissed and put her on her doggie bed.

"That killed the mood" he said blandly and I sighed looping my finger in his belt loop and pulling him downstairs.

"Do you have to go?" I asked for the millionth time sitting on Jai's bed. Him and Luke groaned and kept throwing shit into their bags.

"Yes. You should come." Jai said with a sloth like smile. I shook my head.

"I'm going back to school. That's kinda why I quit my job" I replied shrugging. Quitting modeling was a happy choice.
I'm done strutting around, I actually want to do something useful.

You see after I quit I applied to a lot of colleges. Just yesterday I received a letter from University of California in Santa Cruz. I got accepted.

"Good for you. Did you find out anything yet" Luke asked shoving ten beanies into a bag.

"Maybe" I smirked and they looked up.

"That is not a no. Did you hear back from a school?!"

"Let's just say I'm moving to Cali." Luke and Jai gaped at me before running over and giving me giant bear hugs.

God I'm gonna miss my best friends.

The guys grabbed their stuffed and carried it through the the airport. Anna sniffled and I gave her a reassuring smile.

The other people with us hugged us all goodbye and I held back my own tears. We went through security then sat at the waiting area for my flight, since it's first.

"Wow. California. What are you studying?" James asked.

"English. We've been over this honey" I said slowly and he glared at me.

"Boarding for flight number 13 to California" A stuffy voice called on the speaker.

I grabbed my stuff and turned to the five boys.

"I love all of you so damn much. I promise to keep in touch and you better do the same" I ordered holding back a sob.

They all said goodbyes and I turned to Luke.

"I love you Claire. Never forget that"

"I won't. Don't go kissing any Swedish girls. I'll see you soon. I don't like goodbyes. So just I love you." I kissed him softly and turned to the rest of the guys.
"I remember the last time I was in an airport. Back from America" I said with a smile.

"Happiest day of my life. When my little sister came home" James said and with that I walked onto my plane.

Goodbye Australia.

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