Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"What do you want" I growled as a perky blonde girl poked my stomach interrupting my sleep.

"We want a girls day. And Sash is leaving in two days. And well we know what happened between you an he who shall not be named. So get up and put on pants" Anna squealed happily and daintily walked downstairs.

How do these people get in my house.


I got up and groaned super loud.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on perfume.

Wow I look like shit.


Bobby pins for some last minute touch ups.

And now clothes.

Ew pants?

I decided on black leggings that go down to my ankles. A Rolling Stones shirt and black combat boots.

Topping it off with makeup and a black jacket I skipped downstairs.

Today I'm a bad ass motherfucker.

"She lives" Sasha said an I rolled my eyes.

There stood my four bestfriends.

Jasmine, Alyssa, Anna, and Sasha.

I think Claire is the coolest out of these people.


We are an interesting bunch.

Jassy is such a hippie.

"And we're off" Alyssa squealed and we all ran outside and piled into Anna's car.

"You're gonna miss my party Sash" I said sadly.

"Oh yes! I need to get on planning that" Anna chirped and I smiled.

My birthday party.

I love birthdays but mines extra awesome.


Me and Skip share a birthday so when we were little we always have joined parties.

This year we decided to have a costume party on our birthday.

Whoomp dere it is.

"I'm gonna be a Greek goddess" Jassy said smiling.

"Oh oh ohhhh how's Beau?" I asked and she blushed.

"We officially are dating I guess" she said andwe all exploded in screaming in giggling.

Such girls.


After arriving at the mall we got out and went into a random store.

"I'm the only single one here" I said and they all laughed at me.


"So you are the only one that can flirt" Sasha said with a wink.

She pushed me in the direction of a two very hot guys in the music section of the store.

"Get some" Alyssa yelled and I glared at her.

What a little fucker.

"Hey" I said as I started looking through some 80s music.

"You're Claire right?" the shorter one asked.

"Uh yeah? wait Christian. Yes you're dating Abi" I said and he smiled.

The other guy coughed and I turned to him.

"And I'm Zach" he said and I shook his hand in mock formality.

"Maybe I'll see you around sometime" I said and started walking away holding a cd for The Scorpions.

He grabbed my arm and I turned around. He gave me a piece of paper and then the two guys walked away.

I opened it to see a number with his name.


I'm such a little whore.

I like it.

"You got his number" Jassy asked and I nodded with a wink.

"Dayum he is fucking hot" Alyssa said fanning herself.

"I know. That curly brown hair. And bright blue eyes. Oh my god do me now." Anna said and we all laughed walking out the shop.

"He reminds me of Harry Styles" Sasha said and I have to agree.

But oh my god this guy though.


Maybe me will take my mind of my puke of an ex.

After hours of shopping and doing a lot of dares we headed back to Anna and Alyssa's house.

"Lets tell secrets" Alyssa said trying to sound seductive.

Cough cough failure.

"Me and James did the dirty deed" Sasha said and we started jumping up an down.

"I would say what was it like but that's my brother so that's fucking nasty so barf" I replied and she smirked.

"What about you Claire Bear. Who is the hottest out of the five idiots we call friends" Anna asked.

"I'd have to say Luke. We've been getting pretty close lately." I replied and they all started shrieking.

Like deafeningly.

I think I lost hearing in my right ear.

"Knew it" Jassy said and I sat there shocked.

"Excuse me" I said sternly.

"Come on. Everyone thinks that you guys would be perfect together. He obviously likes you. And he is very hot. So are you. It just fits. It's destiny." Anna smiled.

"Um no. He's like my brother. And I love him to death. Well ok I had I crush on him when we were younger but things change. I guess part of me will always like him" I admitted and they still kept giggling.

"Cluke will happen. Fate will find its way" Jasmine said.

Maybe it will but I just really don't know.

How do I really feel about him?

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