Chapter 21

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"You have a lot of explaining to do" I said to Sasha as I sat down next to her.

She sighed and wiped her eyes.

"When I was younger I had cancer. I went through a ton of therapy. Even lost all my hair. Now it's back but the treatments aren't working" she said pausing to breath in.

"I'm dying" she said and started bawling again.

"You can't" I breathed out with tears stinging my eyes.

"They said I have 5 to 10 months. Depending on how fast it spreads" she said putting her face in her hands.

"There must be something you can do" I replied standing up and pacing back an forth.

"They tried. It's too late" she whispered.

"You need to tell James" I said quickly remembering how heartbroken he is.

"No. I can't hurt him like that" she said sadly.

"He will find out eventually. It's best you spend as much time together as you can. You need to tell everyone" I replied.

I need to stay strong for her.

"Anna and Alyssa already know. I told them this morning." She said standing up.

"I will call everyone to come over. Please just stay calm" I said.

"Ok so all the guys, and Austin, the girls, and Jasmine. Just them though" she sighed.

I took in her appearance.

She did look like hell.

I texted everyone telling them to come over immediately.

One by one they showed up.

"Alright everyone's here Sash." I whispered to her and she stood in front of everyone.

She breathed in and ears welled up in her eyes again.

"I-I have cancer" she mumbled and everyone gasped and started crying.

She explained the situation and was attacked by hugs.

"No this can't be happening" James said to my while we were alone in the kitchen.

"I know but we need to stay strong for her." I replied.

Then I had a good idea.

I convinced them to go out. Just the two of them. They need it.

"I'll make y'all dinner. Since I'm such an awesome babysitter" I said to everyone.

They all looked pretty shaken up.

"How about spaghetti and meat balls" I said again.

"I'm a vegetarian" Jasmine said with a small voice.

"Really why" Jai said and everyone exploded in a heated argument about being a vegetarian.

I smiled and went into the kitchen.

Luke followed.

"So how's Jassy" I asked and he blushed.

"Nothing serious. I like her but I don't know if it's in that way yet" he said with a smile.

I gave him a hug and felt a weird shock.

Bastard shocked me.

Or not I don't know I'm tired.

He feels so warm.

"Well then what should we make" he asked pulling away.

"I give up let's just order pizza" I said.

We walked back into the living room to see Jai and Anna fighting like an old married couple, Jasmine and Beau talking about their favorite vegetables, Austin and Skip having another thumb wrestling match, and Alyssa trying to talk to a pillow.

"Wow" Luke said and everyone laughed at each other.

"I'm ordering pizza" I said and everyone nodded their heads.

Maybe we will get through this alright.

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