Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Jasmine's POV

I can do it.

I knocked at the door of the Brooks house and Luke opened with a big smile.

"Hey Jassy" he chirped and gave me a big hug.

"Hi" I replied nervously.

I walked in and led him to the couch.

"What's wrong" he asked concern filling his voice.

"This is hard for me to say but just please hear me out" I said breathing in and out.

"Out with it" he said like a mum.

"I don't think I have feelings for you" I managed to say and his face fell.

"Why" he asked.

"What do you mean why" I replied.

"Why does every girl I like not like me back. Why do I try so hard. Why do I fall in love so easily" he said looking at the ground.

I held his face in my hands.

"You will find someone incredible. Besides I see the way you look at Claire. It's meant to be. I ship it. Clake.
Cute. But we just don't have that magical cliche spark" I said and he smiled.

"Is it that obvious" he sighed.

I nodded and laughed.

"If it's fate it will happen. But I do need to tell you something else" I said and he looked up confused.

"What is it now" he said will an exaggerated sigh.

"I think I like Beau" I replied caustically.

He looked angry at first but then relaxed.

"Go get your prince" he said and gave me a hug.

"And you go get your princess" I whispered in his ear.

"Hey Beau can we talk" I said as I walked into his room.

"Sure Jas. Whats up?" he asked and I sat on his bed.

"I have a confession" I said and he looked confuzzled.

"Which is" he asked.

"I like this guy. He has the stupidest jokes and the most cheesy pickup lines. He is one of the only people in the world that thinks I'm awesome cause I'm a vegetarian. He makes me laugh when I wanna cry and is probably the stupidest person in the world. But out of all of that, I finally realize that he is the only one that can make me truly happy." I said and he sat there in silence.

He stared straight into my eyes and then leaned in.

Our lips fit together perfectly and I felt a weird yet comforting shock.



We poured all of our built up emotions in this kiss.

And somehow, I feel more complete than I have in years.

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