Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Guess what.


Fine you idiots.

I'm gonna get a puppy.

It was Sasha's idea so I'm not as lonely when my 'one and true love leaves'.

Her words, not mine.

"Get in loser were going shopping" She screamed as I looked in the mirror one last time.

Galaxy vans, black shorts, and a purple tank.

It's supposed to be a hot day.

I climbed in her car an we sped off.

"Yay I'm getting a puppy" I cried happily and she laughed turning up the radio.

Roar by Katy Perry came on and we sang our hearts out to it.

I have to say I'm the worst singer ever.

Dying whale alert.

We got out and walked into the pet shop.

"Oh my god look at this chihuahua" Sasha said and ran over to it.

"No. Hell to the no. Over my motherfucking dead body. Chihuahuas are the equivalent to satan" I replied and walked away.

Ugh those things creep me out.

Out if the corner of my eye I saw a super cute tiny pug playing with a ball.

"This is so cute" I said and Sasha came running up and smiled.

"Get her!" she said and I looked at the name on the cage.


Who the hell named that.

We bought the dog and a shit tons of supplies and went to pay for them.

Oooh a pretty pink bedazzled collar.


"I'm gonna name her Charly" I said and we giggled and drove home.

After Sasha left I got Charly all set up in her cage.

I can't believe Sasha is leaving tomorrow.

Breaks my freaking heart.

I can't. Ugh.

I sat on my couch and unlocked my phone.

Well lets distract myself.

After finishing two episodes of Teen Wolf and playing an hour of candy crush I decided to make dinner.

I popped a hot pocket in the microwave and sat on the floor.

Charly ran up to me and I petted her.

Damn I have a sad life.



Oh that guy Zach. I should text him!

He had nice hair.

To Zach

Hey it's Claire c:

From Zach

Glad you finally texted :P

The conversation went on for about an hour when he invited me for lunch tomorrow.

What's the worst that could go wrong?

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