Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Meet me at daresundays spot ASAP xox- Sasha the Sexy

I read the text and finally rolled out of bed.

It says ASAP so I'll skip a shower.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put on perfume.

Then I tied my hair in a side braid.

Put on a coral tank with a black sports bra under neath, where you can see the sides of it.

Then black skinny jeans and coral and light brown sandals.

Off we go.

Finally I pulled up to the spot and saw Sasha, James, Anna, Luke, Beau, Jasmine, and Jai.

"Hey guys" I called getting out of my car.

"I have news" Sasha said with a smile.

"She won't tell us til everyone gets here" James whined poking her tummy.

She stuck her tongue out.

"Hello gorgeous" someone whispered in my ear.

I turned around to see Austin standing there holding a long board.

"Yo sexy" I replied in a gangster voice and he laughed.

Finally Skip and Alyssa pulled up laughing there asses off.

"And what took you guys so long" Anna commanded.

"Sex" Skip replied simply and they burst out laughing again.

"Sit on the floor children" Sasha commanded and stood on the hideous couch.

We all sat down and she began.

"So as you all know I have cancer. There was no way to fix it this time until I got a call from Dr. Brown. He has a special treatment in Alaska. And I'm leaving for it in a week" she exclaimed.

We all started screaming. And cheering and hugging her.

This is amazing.

"How long" I asked after giving her a massive bear hug.

She looked at the ground.

"Well depending how how far along the cancer is....7 to 12 months."

We all gasped.

"Don't worry though. You know how loaded my parents are. I will fly each and every single one of you down." She said with a reassuring smile.

After everyone chatted for a while James said he was gonna take her on a celebratory trip.

Jasmine, Beau, Austin, Jai, Anna, Luke and I decided to go out for pizza.

"We need to go do some more adult stuff" Alyssa said with a straight face and got back in Skips car.

We all pretended to puke and piled into my car.

"Why are we taking mine" I asked with fake anger.

"It smells like vanilla" Luke said sniffing he air.

My car only fits five so I drove, Austin in the front seat, Luke in the back with jasmine sitting on him, Jai with Anna on him, and Beau as a loner.

"We're here" Anna said happily an we climbed out.

"So would you like a vegetarian pizza" Luke said mocking Jasmine.

She laughed and punched his arm.

Then she pulled me to the girls bathroom along with Anna.

"Guys well I'm in a pickle" she said quietly.

"No you're in a bathroom" I replied and she glared at me.

"I think I like Beau" she mumbled and we fell silent.

Well this is going to be awkward.

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