Chapter 20

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Claire's POV

I actually love life right now. Well I probably just jinxed it.

Ugh hell I don't even care.

I walked into James house cause he buys better coffee then I do.

He was sitting on the floor with his face in his hands.

"Oh my god what happened" I said running over to him.

He looked up and his face was red and puffy.

"Sasha broke up with me" he said sadly.

"What why" I asked super confused.

They liked each other a lot.

"She said she couldn't handle a relationship. And she had stuff of her own going on" he said with a mixture of anger and sadness in his voice.

Yup I spoke too soon.

"I'll talk to her. But first we are having a bro day" I said punching his arm lightly.

"No matter how much you try you will never be a bro" he laughed.

"I'm cooler than you just admit it" I said sticking my tongue out.

"So what are we gonna do" he questioned obviously changing the subject cause I am way cooler than him.

"Lets go eat food and then so annoy strangers" I relied skipping out the door.

He followed and we climbed in the car.

"Just throw the orange" he whisper shouted.

He wants me to throw an orange at an old man in a gun store.

Finally I did and the guy growled.

He saw us and ran towards us.

We bolted.

"I'm calling the cops" he screamed.

We laughed and hid behind a bush.

"That was close. I can't believe you made me do that" I whined and hit his stomach hard.

He groaned and held up his phone.

"Got it all on video too" he said with a smirk.

"Ugh. Hey omg we should get matching tattoos" I said pointing to tattoo shop.

"Oh really and of what" he asked warily.

"When we were little we always played superheroes. Batman and batgirl. Lets get their logos" I said mentally applauding myself at my brilliance.

We walked in and told the guy what we wanted.

We decided on our wrists.

"OW HOLY SHIT OEMGEE I CAN'T" I wailed as he slowly drew the tattoo on me with the needle.

"So are you two um dating" the guy named "Bones" asked.

"Ew that's just ew let me vomit. She's my sister" James said pretended to puke.

"Haha real nice. But yeah that is gross" I said grossed out.

The guy laughed and finished my tattoo. After screaming and cussing and hours went by we both had awesome tattoos on our wrists.

"That was pretty awesome" he said as he pulled into my driveway.

"Thank you big bro" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I got out and skipped into my house.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Sasha sitting on the couch bawling her eyes out.

"We need to talk" she said her voice cracking.

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