Chapter 5

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Claire's POV

It's finally Friday. Eeeeep. I got up and threw on an oversized sweatshirt and leggings. Then I put my hair in a high pony and skipped downstairs.

Course all the five idiots were playing some video game.

"Heyyyyy" I said jumping on a random person. It was Jai.

"Mmmm getting cozy are we" he asked with a wink. I slapped his arm and got up.

"What are we doing today. I have that date tonight but yeah" I said pulling out my phone.

"Just gonna chill" James said not looking up from his controller.

"Cool beans" I mumbled.

I texted Austin.

To: Austin <3 c;

Hey cutie ;)

I sent. I instantly got a reply. We texted for a while but I got up to make some grilled cheese.

I set my phone on the couch and skipped in the kitchen.

Luke's POV

Claire got up and went in the kitchen. I need to figure out these feelings ugh.

Her phone beeped.

From Austin <3 c;

Gag, I thought. I opened it up and my mouth flew open

From: Austin <3 c;

I know it's your first time but don't be scared babe.

What. The hell.

I showed the text to the guys and they were pissed. Claire came in with a sandwich an James exploded.


She dropped her plate and her eyes widened

"You idiots. We aren't going to have sex" she said rather annoyed.

"How do you explain this" James asked showing her the text.

She laughed.

"We're going roller skating. And I've never done that. But no I'm not a virgin and yes this is awkward." She said with an eye roll.

"With who" I asked.

"My ex. We dated for 5 months and we were in love. But long distance doesn't work so we broke up. I still have feelings for him but I'm trying to move on" she said sadly.

I went over and gave her a hug.

"You dropped your food" Skip said laughing at her. She stuck her tongue out.

Why do I have feelings for her? Ugh fuck my life.

Claire's POV

After that awkward talk between me and my five lunatics I just chilled. Now it's one hour til the date!!

I ran upstairs to get ready.

I put on dark skinny jeans with rips in them. A floral ruffle tank top and black vans.

I put on the usual makeup and curled my hair. Happy with it I grabbed money, my phone, and my wallet and walked downstairs.

"Wow" Luke said. Weird.

"Ew she's my sister" James said with a look of disgust I laughed.

There was a knock at the door and there stood my amazingly hot date.

This is going to be an amazing night.

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