Chapter 12

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Beep beep beep

What the fuck.

Oh an alarm. I hit the button and sat up blinking repeatedly. It's 7:00 am. What the hell.


My hair looks like an Afro. I need shower.

I walked over to the shower and jumped in well obviously taking my cloves off first.

After washing myself I got out and put my hair in a bun and put on jean shorts and a blue short sleeve shirt.

Off to go be a model.

"Claire" I gorgeous blonde girl screamed as I walked into the building.

She hugged me and then backed away slowly.

"What's my name" she asked crossing her arms.

"Rapist" I replied backing away.

"Still a smart ass I see. I heard about the accident. And I'm Anna hopefully you can remember." She said with a smile.

"I remember something about a chocolate cake and tequila" I questioned.

She smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me up the stairs.

"My star is back" a very fruity looking guy squealed when I walked into a small room.

"Yo" I replied confused.

"Ugh you don't remember me I'm hurt. I'm Logan. Sit down sit down" he cheered. Wait I remember him.

I sat down and he pulled my hair out of the bun.

He slowly curled it making small delicate curls. Then he put on the perfect amount of makeup making my eyes pop.

He gave me a gorgeous black ball gown and motioned to the changing rooms.

"It's a masquerade phootoshoot" he called throwing a lace black and white mask over the door.

"Thank you lolly pop" I called back.

"So you do remember" he said very happily.

I put on the mask and walked out. Then slipped on some super high stilettos next to the door.

"Indeed" I replied with a smirk. He led me to the phootoshoot area and there was Anna and two other girls in gorgeous dresses.

"This is Sasha and Alyssa" Anna said pointing to two girls.

Sasha had gorgeous black hair that was in a side braid. Alyssa's a ginger hopefully she doesn't steal my soul.

"Who you bringing to the party" Alyssa asked me, smiling like crazy.

"What party" I asked. They all gasped.

"The work party. There's one every year and they are awesome. But you have to dress all fancy and have a date" Sasha said striking a pose for the camera.

"But my boyfriend is out of town" I said sadly.

"Ask Beau or Luke" Anna replied.

"How do you know them" I asked posing in a sexy position.

"We all hang out. Duh. I'm dating Skip and Sasha has a little fling with your bro and Anna recently starting dating Jai, all thanks to you" Alyssa said happily.

"And Beau and Luke are the only single ones" I questioned. They nodded.

"I'd say ask Beau. Luke has been acting weird around you lately. Probably likes you" Sasha said.

The photographer told us to shut up and we all posed and smiled for about two hours.

I walked over and changed back into my clothes jut left the hair and makeup the same.

"The party is Saturday night. I'll text ya my address and we are all gonna meet at my place to get ready at 7" Anna said scaring the shit out of me. Resulting in my falling over into another girl.

"Whoops sorry" I said to her and walked away quickly to the other girls.

"That's was priceless" Sasha said between laughs.

"Who is she and why does she glare so much" I whispered as we walked out the door.

"Carly. She is a major slut and is super jealous cause you got the position she wanted. She has been making your life hell ever since." Sasha said.

"Lets go to Starbucks" Anna squealed.

Typical white girl. She's even wearing leggings and uggs. What.

We all ordered and sat down.

"So how is Austin" Alyssa asked sipping her caramel latte.

"Perfect. I'm really falling in love with him. Whenever I'm sad he has the perfect things to say. What about you and Skippy dippy doo" I asked laughing at the name. She glared then cleared her throat.

"He is hilarious. We have a lot in common. Apparently I'm considered an insane person but he is too so it's ok" she said smiling.

"And you" I said pointing to Anna.

"We've been hanging out a lot. And he even kissed me. I take relationships slow though. So nothing to far, yet" she said with a wink.

We all turned to Sasha and she turned bright red.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend last night" she said and we all squealed and starting cheering earning strange looks from strangers.

"Well everyone is happy. Except for the other Brook brothers. We need to play matchmaker for them" I said happily. They all looked at each other.

"What" I asked confused.

"Well Luke kind of likes you. Beau refuses to talk about feelings. He's so cocky like that." Anna said hesitantly.

I laughed.

"He doesn't like me. We're best friends. You're probably wrong" I said a little too loud. No way he likes me!

"Yeah probably" Sasha said standing up. We all got up and headed outside.

Strabucks is right next to a model agency. How convenient.

We said our goodbyes and I climbed in my car. I love my friends.

I drove in the driveway to the Brooks house.

Why do they all still live with their mom.

Whatever I parked and got out. Walking in without even knocking.

Beau, Luke and Jai were a sitting in the couch on their phones. They all looked up and smiled at me.

I turned to Beau.

"Would you fancy a date with me this Saturday?"

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