Chapter 21 - Scene 2

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The first few miles were a piece of cake to run, as the energy from the crowd pushed us through, but by the final mile we were forced to take many walking breaks due to exhaustion.

"I'm not going to make it!" Vik shouted. "Think anyone will notice if I hopped in an Uber?" We were all panting, including myself as I pushed myself during the final mile.

"Only one more mile, guys," I said. "We can't give up now!" We were dead last, but the crowds had stayed back to cheer us on. Either they were getting louder with each mile or my hearing was getting more sensitive from wax buildup.

Vik looked at me, barely able to stand. "Easy for you to say, you have a catheter."

Barely able to speak, Shaniqua yelled at us with very supportive advice. "Everybody just shut the hell up and run!" The sweat on her T-shirt was so heavy it looked as if she'd entered a wet T-shirt competition.

Vik pointed at Remy, who impressively was the only one who still had stamina and was running with consistent speed. "What's his secret?"

"Oh, I'm imagining that I'm being chased by a bear," said Remy.

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