#49: 재중の자기야

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We walked back to the apartment sharing Jaejoong's pearl red Cassopeia umbrella.

Kiki: Why are you you using a red Cassopeia umbrella?

Jaejoong: Cos red is the color of Cassopeia's balloons...

Kiki: Uh huh... So you want your fans to be with you everywhere you go?

Jaejoong: Anio... I thought our fans' love and support might give me luck in looking for you... So I used it...

I smiled. Trust him to say something so naive but yet sweet and cute to hear it from him.

Jaejoong: You're so wet... You must be totally drenched... Are you cold?

Kiki: Yeah I'm totally drenched inside out... But I'm okay... Not too cold...

Jaejoong started pulling his jacket off.

Kiki: No it's alright Jaejoong, you don't have to... You're wet too... I'm fine... It's just a while away... I don't want you falling sick...

Jaejoong: You sure?

Kiki: Ne... I'm fine... I have natural insulation...

Jaejoong: Huh? What's that?

Kiki: My fats... I think I have more than you... So they'll keep me warm...

Jaejoong laughed. Then he pulled me into his arms hugging me under the umbrella.

Jaejoong: Then this should keep me warm... I'm cold...

Kiki: Ha ha... Alright...


When we got back to the apartment, everyone had gathered at my apartment. And once I opened the door, they huddled around us excitedly, bombarding us with questions.

Jaejoong: Guys... I think you should let us get out of our wet clothes first before anything else...

All: Oh yeah...

Jaejoong turned and looked at me.

Jaejoong: Go ahead and get out of the wet clothes first... I'll head back and change out of mine... I'll see you in a bit...

I smiled and nodded. Then I walked into my room to grab my clothes and went for a shower and changed. Jaejoong went back to his apartment and did the same. The rest waited in my apartment while we got changed.

Max: Jaejoong-hyung and Kiki-nuna are probably hungry and cold from the weather... Should we make them something to eat when they come out? And we can eat too since we're all hungry too...

Micky: I didn't know you know how to cook... Cos I sure can't cook like the two of them...

Max glared at Micky.

Max: I didn't say I am cooking... I said WE... The rest can cook...

They looked around at each other.

Xiah: Don't look at me... I don't know how to cook anything except instant noodles...

Their eyes moved on to the next "victim".

U-Know: *eyes wide open* Me? Andwae... I can't... Don't look at me...

Max, Micky, Xiah and U-Know's eyes moved onto Fifi and Theo. They looked at them eyes wide open.

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