Chapter 41

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I am so sorry I have like terrible writers block anymore so I'm sorry if this sucks :/



November 12

•Dear Memory•

So the whole point of this diary thing was to to help me if I were to forget something, but since I have fully regained memory I really don't have to use this. However it's kinda became part of my life so I'm going to keep doing it.

I haven't been able to go out of the house because the risk of someone noticing me. I almost feel like a prisoner. They finally stopped looking. I guess they don't care anymore. It honestly hurts. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss home, because I do. But I know in my heart this is what's best.

They leave in exactly 1 month to go on tour and I couldn't be prouder.

I met Matts daughter, Sara. She is the most adorable thing ever. She almost feels like a little sister to me. Weird. I know.

I have to talk about me and Matt. I'm really confused about us. We kiss here and there but we've never gone further then 2nd base. I wish I could say that I have a crush on Matt but I have a feeling I'm just using him because of a broken heart.

•end of diary•

"Hey beautiful." Matt walks in the front door with grocery bags in his hands. He makes his way over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi." I close my Diary.

"Listen, I have to work tonight, but feel free to order food and watch Netflix." he winks.

I let out a small laugh trying to hide my disappointment, I love spending time with Matt and I feel like he's never home. On the other hand I do love food and Netflix.

====7 o'clock====

I just want Matt to come home. I'm sick and tired of being alone all the time. I look at the door arguing with myself.

You know you can't go out there Lily someone will recognize you!

I'm craving to just walk outside in the fresh air.

My legs are moving towards the door, I can't even find the power to stop moving. I grip the handle of the door turning it slowly.

Matt would flip if he found out.

But he won't.

I walk out the door closing it shut behind me.

I remember what it feels like to breathe. I inhale the air of the cool night. My legs become tired of walking so I find a bench to sit on. As I sit I take in my surroundings. Teenagers skateboarding, being young. I miss skateboarding. But most of all I miss being free.



"By Keats." I grab my phone and my long board as I walk to the door.

"Where you going?" he asks running down the steps.

"Uh Kyle and Kenny are at the skate park and asked if I could meet up with them."

"Cool. Can I come." A huge grin spreads across his face.

"Any other time would be good it's just... you see Kyle just broke up with his girlfriend and... I don't know."

"Oh um ok maybe next time." with that he walks back upstairs into his room.

I quickly run out of the house trying to avoid anymore complications.

I hate lying to Keaton. I thought I lied a lot when Lily was around. Now I lie even more. 5 nights out of the week I go around Huntington Beach looking for Lily. I've been doing it ever since she went missing. And every night when I don't find her I go to the skate park and smoke. Unfortunately I've had no luck. But I'm not just gonna give up.


Another unsuccessful night. Yay!

I want her to come home. I miss her so much. If only I could hold her one more time and tell how beautiful she is and how much I love her.

I look across the park, at the bench where we made up after our first fight. Usually when I look at it, it's empty, no one ever seems to sit on it. But this time it's different. There's a girl sitting on it. She has brown hair. Could that be... no it's not Wes, you're going crazy. The girl looks up from the ground and looks around. As if she were scared. I take a couple steps closer to see if she's ok then I stop. I take a look at her face, she's almost identical to Lily. That's not her. This isn't real, I have to be dreaming. I take two more steps, when her eyes lock on mine. Now I'm positive it's Lily. She looks at me frightened. When she stands up from the bench she sprints towards the beach.

I run after her catching up to her in seconds. She was never a fast runner.

"Lily!" I tackle her to the ground but I held her so she landed on top and didn't get hurt. She stares right into my eyes and I see the tears forming in hers.

"It's really you." I whisper.

She stands up and tries to run again but I grab her wrist.

"Wes please let me go." she cries.

"Not until you tell me where you've been."

"I have to go. I can't stay here to long." she says crying even harder.

"Where have you been staying?"

"I can't tell you!" she yells.

"I miss you."

Her angry eyes grow softer and she looks at me, "I miss you too."

I let go of her wrist and instead of running she stays there staring at me.

She steps closer to me leaving only and inch between us, "Wes. You have to promise me you won't tell anyone you saw me here. Okay?"

"Why can't you just come home." I whisper.

"Just promise me." she ignores my question.

"I promise."

She stands on her tippy toes and kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you." she says to me.

Before I could respond she runs away leaving my sight within seconds.

I sit on the beach, alone. Rethinking about what just happened. Or did it not even happen?

"I love you too." I whisper.


Ahhhh! Wes found Lily!

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