Chapter 38

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"Wes. I was pregnant"

What! Did I hear her right? Did she just say she was pregnant? With my child?

"Wait what do you mean was pregnant?"

I still can't wrap my head around this.

"I lost the baby in the accident." she says quietly.

"What." I can't even look at her.

What if that's why she really crashed the car? What if that note was fake?

"Wes I don't know what to say besides I'm sorry."

I was going to be a dad. I was going to have a baby girl or boy with the girl I loved.

"We all know it wasn't an accident." I say harshly.

"What are you saying?" she has tears streaming down her face. "You think I crashed my car because I was pregnant?"

I sigh, "No. I know the real reason you crashed your car and I believe you wouldn't lie to me. But what if you knew you were pregnant."

"Wes please trust me-"

"I think you should leave." I can't stand to see her right now. I just need some time alone.

She's about to say something but then decides against it and leaves.

I don't know what to think right now. Maybe I shouldn't have taken it out on her. Maybe I was paranoid. It really isn't her fault. She has no idea what even happened this summer. Lily couldn't have known that she was pregnant because she would have told me. She wouldn't have crashed her car knowing she was pregnant. Lily couldn't hurt a fly.

Keaton walks into my room.

"Where's Lily?" he says out of breath.

"She just left." I'm not really in the mood to talk.

"Well she didn't come back to my car."

"Why don't you go look for her instead of wasting time here!" I snap. I just want to be left alone.

"Whatever." he says leaving the room.

That so called "accident" is going to be the death of me.


"Lily where are you? Please pick up your phone." Another voicemail I had left on her phone. I left another text along with 43 others. Where the hell is she? She's not at home, her parents said she hasn't been there since this morning. I've been driving for 3 hours and still no sign of her. I drove back to her house and told her parents I still had no luck finding her. When they called the police they said they couldn't do anything about it because she hasn't been missing for 24 hours. How the hell is that fair! If someone is missing it's there job to find them. I told Wes and Drew about it and now were all in her living room Me, Jackie, her parents, Drew and Wes. All waiting for her to come home.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and everyone's eyes are on me.


"Hey honey I heard about Lily-"

"Mom I don't have time she could call any second!" I end the call. She is going to kill me later.

Another hour passes by. Its now 6 o'clock. It makes me sick thinking that Lily is all by herself in the night. Everyone is eating dinner but I have no appetite. I just want her to come home.

My phone rings again. When I look at the caller ID my heart drops. I answer it quickly.

"Lily! Where are you?" Everyone who was eating dinner is now watching me.

"Um... I'm sorry. This isn't my phone I found it in the streets. I just called the last number dialed." An unfamiliar voice says. "It's all cracked and broken I'm surprised it still works." she laughs, "Hello?... Hello? Are you there?" I end the call and throw my phone against the wall making a shattering noise.

This isn't real. This isn't happening. I'm going to be sick. I lost her. I finally got the one girl I loved and now she's gone. The tears start pouring out of my eyes and I feel someone pull me into their arms. It's Wes. My brother is actually comforting me. He hasn't been able to stand me for weeks and now he cares. I guess he feels the same way. He loves her too. This is just as hard to me as it is to him.

"I'm sorry bro." he says crying.

I hate this feeling. It's the same feeling I had when she crashed her car. The not knowing is what kills you.

"I need to go look for her." I say standing up.

"Keaton you can't go out there like that. You're a mess. We'll take turns looking. Me and Drew will look from now until 11. Mom and Dad will look for the next couple hours then we will switch on and off. You and Wes will just stay home." Jackie says.

I don't want to just sit back and wait for her to come home. I need to look for her and I'm not going to stop until I find her, "No I'm going."

"Keats I think it's best if we stay here." Wes says.

Keats. Lily always called me Keats. I break down in tears again. I must look crazy because the people around me have no idea what I'm crying about. Maybe it's best if I stay here.


I wake up on a soaking wet pillow. My pillow is drenched from my tears. I shot up from my bed realizing it's the next day. They must have found her. I run down the stairs remembering that I hadn't put new clothes on in awhile, but who cares. I when enter the living room I see Lily's parents talking to 2 policemen. Why are they here? Did they not find her? or did something worse happen. Stop it Keaton! Don't think like that. Her parents turn around and their eyes meet with mine, her mom has been crying and her dad is staying strong. They turn back around to the 2 police officers and say something. Once They're done talking the 2 men leave.

"What's going on?"

"Keaton come here." Lily's mom says.

"Why were the police here." I walk towards them.

"We called them because we couldn't find Lily. She's been missing for 24 hours." her dad says.


Sorry this was kind of boring :/ Next chapter is gunna be awesome.

Where do you think Lily is?

I really want to hear what you guys think.


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