Chapter 39

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~ 2 months later ~

"Bye Mckenzie." she turns around and flashes a smile.

"Bye Keater Pan." she laughs.

I close the door and walk into the kitchen with a goofy grin on my face.

"Why don't you just ask her out already?" A voice says from behind me.

I turn around and sigh, "Wes, You know exactly why I can't ask her out." I open the fridge moving items out of the way looking for something to eat.

"Come on Keaton, you gotta move on. It's been 2 months since-" I cut of his sentence, not wanting to hear the rest of it.

"Don't even say it." I close the fridge not satisfied with anything in there, "And look who's talking you've never gotten over Lily after she crashed her car. I wouldn't be surprised if your still not over her."

"I never got over her because even though she was dating you I knew she still loved me! What's your excuse?" He yells.

"You don't know if she ever loved you!" I yelled back.

"I wouldn't know because you kept her away from me!"

"Boys! boys!" my mom yells, "I thought we agreed never to bring her up again. Did I not make myself clear?"

We were doing good not talking about Lily. We hadn't talked about her since last month when the police gave up on looking for her. They said it was almost impossible because they had not a single trace on her. We had flyers and even her picture on the news. That's when I completely pushed every thought of her out of my head. I wasn't going to be depressed because she ran away. Don't get me wrong I love her and I would do anything to have her back but I had a gut feeling she wasn't coming home. I have had one question for the past 2 months that I have been dying to ask Wes. What did she tell him before she ran away? Was it so horrible she couldn't be here anymore? I'm going to ask him. I will ask him today.

"Okay?" my mom said.

I'm guessing she just gave a huge speech that I didn't have any interest in listening to and I'm guessing by Wes' facial expression he wasn't listening either. So we both just nodded our heads.

When she went upstairs. He was looking at me, then he started walking upstairs too.

I'm going to ask him. I'm going to ask him. I'm going to ask him. I'm going to ask him.


He walks back down the stairs looking at the ground.

"Yea." he says.

I can't do this. How do I ask him.

"Uh what did Lily tell you... Before she... ran away."

His head shoots up from looking at the ground, his face is bright red, and he looks like he's going to be sick or yell at me. Tears start forming in his eyes, Then he runs upstairs. I hear the sound of his door slam shut and the faint sound of him crying. What ever it was that she told him must have been bad.



(AHHHHHH! I know your excited because I am :) )


I've been driving around trying to figure out what to do. I don't know where to go. Wes is mad at me because I killed our child.

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