Chapter 40

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Don't skip the A/N at the end!!! ITS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!



I woke up in someone's arms. I look up to see Matt asleep. I would be creeped out right now of I wasn't so damn comfortable. I don't even remember falling asleep, I just remember pouring my heart out to him about everything that happened. I move closer to him resting my head on his chest.

"I know why your doing this." Matt says in his sexy morning voice.

"Doing what." I look up at him.

"You miss them. You miss Wes and Keaton."

I shake my head no. I do not miss them I had to get away from them, I had to do what was best for them.

"I need to take you home your family is probably worried about you." he sits up and gets out of bed. He isn't wearing a shirt. And can I say damn he has a hot body. Nicer then Drew's. He walks over to a shirt on the floor and picks it up.

"Please don't put it on." I did not just say that. God that was so embarrassing. My face is burning right now, "I'm sorry I-"

When I look up he's standing right in front of me shirtless. Oh my I don't know if I can do this.

"Uh you should probably uh go and put a-" he cuts me off.

"Just stop talking." he moves slowly toward me placing his lips on mine. Our lips move in sync as he slowly pushes me down on the bed, hovering over top of me.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

He pulls away clearly disappointed. He looks at his phone and sighs.


"Julie I-"

"Well you always do this last minute."

"Fine I'll be here."

He hangs up his phone.

Who the hell is Julie? I knew it! he probably has a girlfriend. Why can't I have the one perfect guy for me without messing someone else's relationship up?

"Listen I would love to drive you home but unfortunately I have to stay here. Can you call someone to pick you up?"

"I would but I kinda threw my phone out my car window and drove over it a couple times so..."

"Well you can use my phone."

He's really trying to kick me out. I don't want to leave. I have no where else to go!

"Matt could I ask you the biggest favor in the world."

He takes both of my hands in his, "What is it."

"Could I maybe just stay here."

"Lily I-" I cut him off.

"Just hear me out." I plead, "I can get a job, buy my own apartment. All I'm asking is a place to stay in the time being."

"It's not that it's the fact that you have a family and friends that have no idea where you are. I basically kidnapped you!" he sounds concerned.

"Please Matt. I can't go back." I feel the tears forming in my eyes. I'm tying my best to hold them back.

"Ok." I give him a huge hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I scream.

He laughs, "Anything for you."

When he says that my heart skipped a beat. Wes used to say that to me all the time.

You know what? This is a fresh start. No more Stromberg family, no more parents, no more pregnant sister, no more school. Shit how am I gonna graduate high school if I don't go to high school? That could be an issue. but I'm not going to worry about it now.


"Hey Matt? Who's Julie." I ask with a mouth full of cereal.

He looks taken back by the question. Which I don't understand because he had to of known I was going to ask.

"Julie is my ex-girlfriend." he pauses. "I have a daughter that's 2 years old named Sara. Julie is her mom. She's dropping her off here later."

Wow. I did not see that coming.

"Yea I know what your thinking. I'm some dick that got a girl knocked up and now she has full custody because I'm a horrible person. But it's not like that. I tried to get full custody but I lost. Julie was a drug dealer and that's how we met. She still deals and smokes but I don't know I guess things just don't work out sometimes."

"Did you ever think of just taking Sara and leaving." I say.

"I can't just run away from my problems Lily." he snaps, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"No, your right." I say honestly, "I know I'm running away from my problems but that's the only thing I know how to do."

"Did you ever try facing them."

"No." is all I say. I really don't want to go further into this conversation.

Yes I run away from my problems but that's how I live. I've been ignoring bullies for all my life, why start facing my problems now.


This sucked I know I just feel like I haven't updated in a while. The boys will be in the next chapter don't worry ;)


Sequel? or a different E3 fanfic?



I am going to start another story but it's not going to be a fanfic. I'll let you know later what it's called.

See ya lovelies!

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