Chapter 22

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August 5

•Dear Memory•

Ok so I don't just have Jackie telling me about Wesley, Drew is now helping too.

But I wish I didn't. When Jackie was telling me stories she mentioned to me that me and Wes are dating. Or were dating. Which I think is absolutely crazy because my parents would never approve of me dating someone that was 19. Then she told me that they weren't aware of his age. With the stories Jackie told me I could see my self going out with Wes. But with the ones that Drew told me, Wesley seems like a self coincided asshole that only wants me for sex. Even though Drew said that we have only had sex once. At least that he knows of. Which I also think is weird that he knows because that's kind of personal. Drew also tried to get me to go out with Wesley again but I can't do that I have no idea who Wesley really is. I guess I'm going to have to find out who Wesley is from the person who knows him best. Wesley.

•end of diary•

I closed my diary and but it in the bottom of my sock drawer. I'm going to go over to Keaton and Wesley's house. But I have to look presentable. What do I wear? Literally what do I wear I can't remember. I hate this. If I can't remember something, the smallest things, if I try to remember them my head gets a sharp pain. Ugh! Screw it I'm going in my sweats. Great it's 8 o'clock my parents won't let me out. So that means I have no transportation because I can't drive for another month because I can't remember how to and I'm probably going to have to retake my test.

I look around my room. Then I see a skateboard in the corner of my room. I skate? Great I can't remember. I've been home for two weeks and my memory gets worse and worse everyday.

Since I have the board I might as well learn how to ride it. Again.

I threw the board out the window as lightly as I could. Then I jumped out.

Wow skating is easier then I thought.

I get to the Stromberg house with no problem. Of course out of everything I remember, getting to they're house is one of them.

I go up to the house and knock on the door.

Keaton opens the door with a shocked expression on his face.


"Um... Hey Lily. Are you ok?" He says concerned.

"Yea I'm fine."

He still stood there looking like he saw a ghost.

"So... Can I come in?"

"Uh yea. Sorry." He says stepping to the side letting me in.

"It's not like I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here." He says scratching the back of his head.

"I'm her to see Wesley. I need to talk to him."

"I don't think that's such a good idea." He says quietly.

"Why?" I say concerned. I don't know why I'm concerned but I am.

I walk up the steps. Ugh which room is his.

"Lily wait." Keaton yells up the steps.

I randomly pick a room.

I open the door and the room I filled with pictures of me and Wesley some of us smiling, of us kissing. I feel overwhelmed with all of it.

I scan the room and see Wesley sitting in the corner of the room, on the floor staring at the wall.

"Wesley. Are you ok?"

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