Chapter 34

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Go follow me on Instagram: ___brittttany___ and Twitter: britstromberg I will love you guys forever :*

Btw there is 3 _'s on each side if my Instagram username


September 6

•Dear Memory•

Me and Keaton have been great over the past week. We've spent almost everyday with each other because I have to go back to school in 2 days and I'm not looking forward to it.

Also Keaton has been letting me talk to Wes more. Im not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing because when I'm around him he makes me feel warm inside and protected... don't get me wrong Keaton makes me feel the same way it's just, different.

Jackie is done with her morning sickness, well more like 24/7 sickness but I'm so happy because it was so gross I wanted to throw up. Plus her and Drew are just the cutest thing around each other it's adorable... I wonder what me and Keaton's baby would look like. WAIT! did I just say that!?


Me and Keaton have been dating a little under a month. I'm already crazy about him. He makes me feel like the most important girl in the world. Would it be so horrible if I were to say I'm already in love with him.

•End of Diary•

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!" Drew runs in yelling with Wes following behind him. A huge grin spreads across my face and laughter erupts from me and Wes.

But where's Keaton?

Drew walks over to me and gives me a huge hug. When he lets go he rubs my hair messing it up. "How does it feel to be 17?" He asks.

"I feel the same way I did yesterday." I laugh.

Wes walks over to me and gives me a hug. It was less awkward then I was expecting, "Happy Birthday." he whispers into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Thanks." I smile, "So um... Where's Keaton?"

"We have no idea." Drew says, "When we woke up this morning and he wasn't home we thought he would be here."

"Oh." was all I said.

Where's Keaton? I am his girlfriend. doesn't he know it's my birthday. I couldn't help but feel upset. When I look over to Wes I know he sees the disappointment in my eyes.

"Come on we have presents." he says trying to cheer me up.

All three of us walk downstairs. When Drew sees Jackie his whole face lights up, "Hey babe." he says picking her up and spinning her around. I couldn't help but smile at how cute they were.

"Come on Drew it's Lily's birthday, she needs presents." Wes says which causes me to laugh.

"Ok ok." he says walking over to us. He hands me a box wrapped in purple paper and a white bow on top. I tear the paper off and open the box reveling a new skateboard deck. It was a picture of me and him.

"Drew this is awesome!" I squeal jumping up and giving him a hug.

"I knew you would love it because it has my face on it." I laugh.

I punch him in the arm and he pretends to be hurt which makes me laugh even more.

Wes sighs, "My turn."

He hands me a small box wrapped the same way as Drew's present. I slowly open the box and when I do my mouth drops open.

"I bought it a while ago, before the accident. We went to the mall one day and you fell in love with it so I bought it for you."

I pull out the silver chain that held two hearts outlined with diamonds.

I'm speechless. This is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.

"Wes I can't take this it must have cost you a fortune." I gasp.

"No I want you to have it. I know how much you wanted it." he says looking down at his hands.

I wrap my arms around him squeezing him as tightly as possible, "Thank you." I whisper.

"Anything for you."


Keaton texted us an hour ago saying he wanted us to meet him at the Stromberg house.

I'm honestly kind of mad at him. Why didn't he come and see me earlier with Wes and Drew? Something was up with him.

I went upstairs to get changed because I was still in my pajamas. It was 7 o'clock and I really just wanted to sleep for some reason.

I threw on a pair of leggings and a crop top. I looked around my room for a pair of shoes when I saw my light pink converse. I put them on and ran down stairs.

"Ready?" Drew said.

"Yea." I nod.


"Keaton?" I say walking into the house.

"Why the fuck is it so dark-"


The lights turn on and unfamiliar faces jump from their hiding spots. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't move. It's either the fact I'm surprised or I'm in a room with a hundred strangers.

I'm able to move when Keaton comes up to me and hugs me from behind, "Happy Birthday babe." he says kissing me on the cheek.

"Keats who are these people-"

"Hey Keaton the toilet won't flush." someone says.

"Ugh! seriously? Hold on I'll be back." Keaton says.

I look around the room for Wesley or Drew but I can't find them anywhere.

Next thing I know people are coming up to me wishing me happy birthday, giving me hugs, saying we should hang out more.

I have no idea who any of these people are. I feel so over whelmed and I don't know what to do. I need someone I know.

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