Chapter 35

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AHHHHH!!!!! 1k reads this is the moment I've been waiting for let's get at least 2k before the end. :)


"Where's Lily?" I ask Drew yelling over the loud music.

"I don't know, but I told Jackie I wouldn't be out to late so I have to go. Ask Wes he's over at the drinks." he walks toward the door.

I walk over to the drinks where Drew said he saw Wes and he was there doing a body shot with Carly.... WITH CARLY!!?? How did she get in this house and what was she doing with Wes? You know what I don't care what she's doing as long as she doesn't bother Lily. As for my brother I don't care what he does anymore either, he's really getting on my last nerve.

The living room is packed with people so I check there next. When I look around for Lily I found her, but not the way I wanted to. She was dancing on the coffee table without a shirt on and everyone was cheering. At least she's having fun I guess. I walk over to the table so I can try to convince her to come down.

"Lil please come down."

When she notices me I can definitely tell she's drunk.

"Keaton! I'm so glad you could make it." she says giving me a hug.

"Um yea I-" she cuts me off.

"Oh and Wes is in there cheating on me with some girl" she slurs, "but who cares!"

"Lily what are you talking about?"

She ignores my question. "I'm gonna take a nap." she lies down on the couch passing out within seconds.


I wake up on the couch, but why are there people around me partying. Wait. Is this still my birthday party? Why was I sleeping? Why don't I have a shirt on? Was I really that drunk?

"Hey Wes what's going on?"

"Huh?" he says. He is so drunk. I doubt he has a working brain cell in his head.

"Where's Keaton?"

"I don't know it looked you you guys were fighting." he chugs another beer. Why would me and Keaton be fighting?

I take out my phone to check the time. it's only 2am. Again, Why was I sleeping? Ugh! I seriously need a drink. I take a red solo cup and fill it up with the nearest alcoholic beverage.

I went around looking for Keaton and every time I finished a cup I would start the process all over again. On my fifth cup I forgot what I was even doing.

"Hey there's Keaton." I say to myself. "Keaton!" he looks at me then walks away. I push though the crowd of people finally reaching him.

"Babe what's wrong." I try to say but I don't think it came out correct.

"Are you serious?" he asks.

"What are you talking about." I'm so confused what's going on?

"You don't remember." he says he looks even more confused then I am.

I shake my head no, trying to hint that I want him to tell me.

"Lily have you been taking your pills?"

"God you too! Why does everybody care if I take them or not." I say getting angry. What doesn't anybody understand? I. Don't. Want. To. Remember. Why is that so wrong?

"Lily you- you just-" he sighs. "Lets not fight it's your birthday."

I didn't argue because he was right, I don't want to spend the rest of my birthday fighting.

"Keaton? I think I need a shirt." I giggle. Im definitely drunk because I'm so giddy.

"Come on let's get you a shirt." he takes my hand and pulls me upstairs. Once we're in his room he looks through his closet trying to find me a shirt. He finally finds one then walks over to me.

"Here you go." he hands me the shirt, "but I think you look better without a shirt." I start blushing like crazy. My face is on fire.

"Really?" I throw the shirt on the ground and take a step closer to him. Keaton wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I think I prefer you with nothing on." he whispers seductively in my ear, giving me chills. Ok he's drunk because Keaton would never say this to me while he was sober.

I think it was the fact that I'm wasted but I built up the courage I take charge. I push him against the wall and crash my lips in to his. I have a strong hold until I lose focus and switches our positions so that I'm now being pushed against the wall.

Keaton has never kissed me like this before. Usually his kisses are sweet and soft. This kiss was rough and full of lust.

His right hand travels up my back, up yo my bra. He gets unclamped after struggling a bit.


This part does get sexual so if your not comfortable don't read it. I will say when it's over.

He messages my breast. As pleasure shoots through my body I let out a soft moan. His tongue takes that as an invitation into my mouth. Keaton's tongue roams around my mouth. I pull on the hem of his shirt and he rips it off quickly, throwing it onto the ground. My hands lay on his chest as he backs up laying me on the bed. Before he lays on top of me he unbuttons his pants throwing them where he threw his shirt. He hovers over top of me leaving kisses across my underwear line.

"Keaton." I moan.

His face meets mine again. As he kisses me his hips are grinding on mine. We both let out moans.

"Keaton I need you." I say pulling away from the kiss.

"No I can't do that to you, your drunk. You'll regret it in the morning."

"No I won't. Please." I say practically begging.

He sighs. "Just tell me if you want me to stop."



"Lily?" says a voice.

"Ow! turn the volume down." I shove a pillow over my head.

They laugh. I knew who it is on they laughed. My head shot up curious as to where I am. Keaton's bedroom, in Keaton's bed, with Keaton. Oh this can't be good.

"Did we do anything last night?" I ask worried.

"No." he's looking at me straight in the eyes but then looks away. "You said it wasn't time."

A pang of guilt rushes into my head. He seems almost upset.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Lily. You know I completely respect you and would never make you do anything that you didn't want to do." he kisses my forehead.

I nod in response because I know it's true.

Keaton is the most sweetest, caring, perfect guy I know. I never want to lose him.

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