Chapter 36

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September 13

•Dear Memory•

I got through my first full week of Junior year. I thought it would get better, unfortunately it didn't. It got worse. Not only did what they're saying get worse but there are now more people. I don't know what to do. What if it goes to far again.

I refuse to tell anyone what happened. Nobody needs to know. I can handle it myself.

•End of Diary•

Once I close my book I lie my head on the pillow and close my eyes.

"Stop trying slut."

"You haven't killed yourself yet?"

"I'll give you 5 bucks for a blow job... what's that you'll do it for free."

"Ew look at the whore."

"Hey gorgeous." I open my eyes to see Keaton sitting next to me on my bed.

A tear falls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away.

"What's wrong?" he asks concerned.

Don't cry Lily. Be strong.

"Nothing I think it's just allergies." I lie holding back the tears.

"Ok." he kisses my temple, "You wanna come to the beach with me, Wes, and Drew?"

I guess I should get out of the house.

"Yea sure." I say with a small smile.

"Great I'll wait downstairs." he gets up off of the bed walking towards the door.

"Wait." he turns around, "You can just stay here." I say shyly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea it's not like you haven't seen me naked before." I whisper so no one can hear besides Keaton.

He nods in agreement.

We agreed that it would be weird if he just watched me get changed so he turned around.

I took my shirt off so that I was only in my shorts and a bra. I looked over at Keaton waiting patiently. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. Once he turns around he doesn't pay any attention that I don't have a shirt on, he just stares into my eyes. That's one of the many things I liked about Keaton. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and he placed his hands on my lower back, closing the space between our lips. He takes one of his hands and places it below the front of my bra. His hand slowly makes it's way down. Just as I was expecting him the take my shorts off he didn't. Instead he pulls away from the kiss. When I open my eyes I find Keaton staring at my stomach.

"What's wrong?" I ask becoming self-conscious.

"What's that from?"

"What's what from?" I ask still completely confused.

"That." he says tracing the spot he did before with his finger.

I walk over to my mirror when I see it. A huge scar that runs down the center of my stomach.

"What the hell." I choke out, "How didn't I notice this?"

"Babe?" he places his hand on my shoulder which causes my body to stiffen.

It wasn't him that made me scared. It was the fact I have this huge scar and I have no idea what it's from or why I haven't noticed it.

"I have to go see Dr. Frank." I say breathlessly.

"Ok I'll take you."

"No." I answer quickly. I didn't mean to snap it's just I want to go alone.

"But you can't drive yet Lily. How are you going to get there?"

He's right. Ugh! Why does he always have to be right?

"Fine." I pick up a t-shirt from my closet and put it on. Once I grab my wallet I march down stairs.


"I need to see Dr. Frank, it's an emergency."

The lady behind the desk looks through some paperwork.

"You're in luck sweetie. He's free but you only have 10 minutes."

I run to his office, opening the door without knocking.

"Lily?" he questions.

"I'm really sorry for barging in but it's urgent." he nods.

"What is this scar from?" I ask nervously, lifting up my shirt.

He sighs. "I was waiting for you to ask me about that." he presses a button on his phone, "Judy, hold all of my appointments." he releases the button. "Take a seat Lily."

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