Chapter 10

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I wake up after crying myself to sleep, again. I still can't believe I kissed my boyfriends brother... Well I guess I can't call him my boyfriend anymore. I have tried calling him, texting him but he won't answer and I think I'm starting to go into a depression. My sister has came in to check on me and give me food, but I don't talk to her and I haven't eaten anything she's brought me. I feel like complete shit. I would take back what happened that night in a heart beat. I need Wesley back. I was drunk and I had zero control of my actions. When he said he couldn't forgive me that's when it hit me and everything in my body shut down. Now every time I move I feel like spaghetti. He will forgive me eventually right?


I feel horrible that I haven't answered my phone when she's called me because honestly I miss her like crazy. I miss her so bad it hurts, but I can't cave in. I haven't talked to anyone else either. I can't even look Keaton in the eye because I'm scared ill rip his head off. I know I shouldn't be blaming this all on Lily because Keaton was kissing her back. And trust me he was enjoying it. But at the same time I can't blame it on Keaton he doesn't even know we're dating... Well we were dating.


That party was the best night of my life but also the worst. I got to kiss the girl the I have liked since the first day I met her even though we have kissed before this one was different it felt amazing. The worst part is Wes hasn't talked to me since then and I don't know why.


I have decided I'm actually going to go out and face the world today. I'm going to go down to the skate park. I get up out of bed and instantly feel dizzy. I guess it's because I haven't walked in a while. I walk into my bathroom, turn on my shower and get into it. I stood there for a while thinking about from the first day I met Wesley when everything was good. But I couldn't help but think about the kiss me and Keaton had. Stop it Lily! That's what got you into this mess! I shake the thought out of my head and turn off the water. I walk into my room with a towel wrapped around my head and body then pick out my outfit. Skinny jeans and a white tank top that shows off a little bit of my stomach. I the blow dry my hair which is now naturally wavy then I straighten my brown hair that makes it down to the middle of my back. After I put on some eyeliner and mascara grab my phone and put it into my back pocket then head downstairs.

When I get down stairs I put my pair of black Vans on and head to the kitchen. I get into the kitchen and I pick up an apple. I notice my sister at the table doing homework. She looks up at me and her eyes grow big.

"What?" I ask rudely.

"Lily... look.... Sick. You are so skinny to the point you look unhealthy." She finally says.

"Ok? Whatever. I'm going to the skate park."

"Not until you eat something more than an apple." She says quickly.

"You can't tell me what to do! Don't try to act like you're my mom!" I snap at her leaving the kitchen. I'm surprised she didn't come after me.

Before I leave I pass a mirror and I look at myself. She's right. I look terrible. I look like I must have lost 20 pounds. My eyes are a dark gray instead of a bright sparkly blue. I guess this is what a broken heart looks like from the outside. I shake the thought out of my head then I quick grab my board and leave the house.

I'm rolling down the street and I remember to get to the skate park I have to pass the Stromberg house. As I pass the house I try not to look at it but I catch myself staring anyway. I must have not noticed the guy walking towards me because I ran right into him but instead of us both falling on the ground he catches me in his muscular arms. "Whoa! watch where you're going." he says laughing. I look up to see his familiar face.

"Drew?" I whisper.

"The one and only. What up cutie?" He says with a smile.

" I g-gotta go." I stutter.

I'm about to walk away when he grabs my arm. Then he begins to talk.

"Listen. We all know what you did was a dick head move" ouch ok I knew that no need to rub it in, "but Wes... He needs you and he's really hurt. He can't admit it but trust me he does need you. Just talk to him and-" I cut him off before he can say anything else.

"Talk to him. You think I haven't tried that! Drew I have called him and texted him he won't even read the messages. I explained what happened and he still wont forgive me and I dont know what else to do. Wes isn't the only one hurting here Drew. I mean look at me. I look like shit. I'm turning into a fucking anorexic. So if you'll excuse me I need to go."

At this point I would be crying but I don't think I have any more fluids left in me. I get my skate board and start my way to the park this time without Drew stopping me.

I just about to reach the park when I look over and see a couple holding hands and kissing. Ugh it makes me want to vomit. Then it happens again I crash straight into someone only this time we both fall to the ground.

"I am so sorry that is the second time today I've done that." I say and let out a small laugh.

Then he speaks, "Lily?"

My heart shatters into a million pieces as I look into his eyes.


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