Chapter 37

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YAY!!!! Another chapter this proves how much of a life I don't have... Enjoy

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I take a seat wondering what is going on. My heart is pounding so hard it's going to pop out of my chest. My mouth feels dry and I feel the lack of oxygen around me. It feels like he's just been staring at me for years, the suspense is killing me.

"Lily...." he starts.

"You were pregnant."

That was the moment the room started spinning. The whole world was spiraling downwards. My throat was closing and I was having difficulty breathing. I couldn't find the power to form words.

"Just calm down, take deep breaths." he says soothingly.

"What. How." I choke out. Tears are now running down m face.

"When you came in after the car accident we had done some blood work and it said that you were pregnant. You were in no condition to where the baby could have survived. We did and emergency C-Section, but the baby was to small. You were only about 2 to 3 months pregnant."

"But- I don't- what?" this isn't happening. I killed my child. I was going to have a baby. I was only 16. But who's child was it? I don't exactly have the memory of what I did over the summer.

Then I remembered what Drew said. Oh I wish what he said wasn't true. I wish this summer hadn't started the way it had. I wish it didn't end the way it had. I hope that wasn't Wesley's baby.

"You didn't think this was important to tell me!" I'm furious.

"You had lost your memory do you understand how confusing this would have been."

I don't want to sit here any longer.

"I need to go."

Without further discussion I walked out of his office. I found Keaton in the waiting room tapping his foot on the ground as if he were growing impatient. He looks up and walks over to me quickly.

"What's the matter? Did you find out what the scar is from?"

I wonder if I knew. I wonder if I tried to kill myself knowing I was pregnant. I wonder if anyone else knew and they're just keeping it from me.

"Lily?" he snaps me out of my thoughts.


"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I need to see Wes." I ignore his question.

"Why won't you-"

"I need to see him!" I snap.

"Ok, sure." he says quietly.


"Wesley!" I say pounding on his bedroom door. I told Keaton to wait in the car because I would only be a second. But it's really because I don't want him to find out this way.

"Wes!" before I could knock again he opens the door.

"You finally called me Wes." he laughs.

I push past him and sit on his bed. "This is serious."

The expression on his face quickly changed to worried. He sits next to me.

"What is it?" he asks.

Oh god this is gonna be awkward.

"So uh... We had sex right?" I ask shyly.

His face turns bright red and he turns away trying to hide it.

"Uh yea." he tries not to make eye contact with me.

"And it was towards the begining of the summer, correct?"

He rubs the back of his neck with his hand awkwardly. "Yea." he sighs.


"Why are you doing this to me." he cuts me off.

"I'm sorry but-" he cuts me off again.

"No Lily! This is killing me. Because... because." he sounds frustrated but I ignore it because I have to know.

"Just please trust me when I say this is important." I stare into his eyes. He nods his head slowly.

"Did we use protection?"

His eyes widen, "Lily what's this about?"

"Please just tell me." I say quickly.

He looks down at the floor, "No. I didn't have a condom and you weren't on the pill."

I broke down in tears again. I find myself in Wesley's arms and he's saying soothing words into my ear.

"Please tell me what's going on." he says softly.

I wiped away the remaining tears that fell down my face. How can I tell him. How am I supposed to tell the boy who cares so much about me that I killed our unborn child that we hadn't even known about.

"Wes. I was pregnant."

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