Chapter 33 "Come After You"

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Shaylynn pulls into Chicago Meds parking lot and heads inside up to Dr. Charles office.
She knocks on the door and hears someone tell her to come in.
Shaylynn opens the door to see Dr. Charles behind his desk and Dr. Choi also sitting in a chair.
She walks in closing the door behind her.
"Hello, Shaylynn! You know Dr. Choi, right?" Dr. Charles asks her.
"Yes, how are you Dr. Choi?" she asks him.
"I'm good, thanks for asking Shaylynn!" Dr. Choi says to her.
"I've asked Dr. Choi to join us, because he's also getting help with his PTSD. Is it alright he sits in with us?" Dr. Charles asks her.
"It's fine!" Shaylynn tells him.
"If you will, would fill me in about what you do? I don't know much about this Organization you work for" Dr.Charles tells her.
"The Organization keeps their eyes on Government agencies, ALL of them. We're called in as a last resort when the Government refuses to do something, like go on rescue missions to get military personnel out of a hostile situation. The Organization has busted A LOT of Senators, Congressmen, people who work in the FBI, CIA, Homeland, etc for being corrupted. That's what got my Stepdad General Watt killed along with my Mom and husband Marshall. My Stepdad discovered certain high ranking people in the Government knew terrorists were planning on hitting certain targets, but weren't acting on that intel. Along with some other Generals, my Stepdad was starting up the Organization at the time of his death. When I found out this information from those other Generals, that's what started my switch from the military to the Organization. Unlike the military, the Organization follows different rules. Since we don't officially "exist" we can get away with a lot more" Shaylynn tells Dr. Charles and Dr.Choi.
Just then Shaylynn realizes what she's just said with Dr. Choi in the room.
She looks over at him, "Since you're Navy Reserve, you can't repeat ANYTHING I just said! If you do and it gets back to anyone in the Organization, everything will be denied and they'll come after you! I have some pull within, but a lot of things are done over my head. So PLEASE don't say anything!"
"I'll reassure you Shaylynn, whatever is said in here isn't repeated outside of my door" Dr. Charles tells her.
Dr. Choi looks at her and smiles, "Don't worry, I would never say anything!" he tells her.
"When were you first diagnosed with PTSD?" Dr. Charles asks her.
"When I was 18" Shaylynn tells Dr. Charles.
He and Dr. Choi look at each other.
"I know, that sounds young, but it's not. Some of the countries I've been to I've seen children as young as 3 suffering from PTSD because what they've been through and what they've seen" she tells Dr. Charles and Dr. Choi.
"What caused your's?" Dr. Charles asks.
"The Squad I was put with, while setting up camp, they dug a hole unknown to me. When the camp was raided, they stuck me in this hole and put wood planks over it. As the enemy raided the camp, my Squad never moved from the hole. One by one the enemy killed them, their bodies falling onto the wood planks. Their blood flowing down into the hole, onto me. The enemy then pulled the bodies off the planks. I couldn't see what they were doing, I guess searching them. That's when they moved the planks and found me. When they tried to take me out of the hole, I was able to take out quite a few until my ammo ran out. They took me prisoner and the bodies of my Squad back to their camp where they stuck me in a small dark room. Special Forces raided the enemy camp, killing all of them while rescuing me and getting the bodies back. What seemed like years to me, I was told I was held hostage for only 3 days" she tells the doctors, "After that is when I was diagnosed with PTSD. Since my Stepdad was a General I was given the best care to help with it and in a few months returned to duty with Special Forces, the same guys who rescued me."
"It says here you received treatment again for PTSD a lot later?" Dr. Charles questions her.
"Yes. That was after my Stepdad, Mom, and husband were killed. Terrorists blew up a whole neighborhood block. My husband was at ground zero when the blast went off. On that block was the American Embassy where my Stepdad and Mom were. Out of the whole block, there were no survivors. As for the PTSD, I never received official treatment until a lot later. After I buried my Mom and Stepdad and was told by the other Generals at their funeral about the intel, I didn't trust higher rank officials not knowing what side they were on. It wasn't until I joined the Organization I finally received treatment. By that time, I was really bad. But with getting help, going out and helping people with it being going on rescue missions or private security, I was able to get better. The second time around not getting treatment sooner, plus also losing almost everyone in my life, it took a lot longer to get better. This time I want to make sure I keep this PTSD under control! I have to much to lose having Kelly in my life along with our kids" she tells them.
"I'm glad you came to me for help!" Dr. Charles tells her, "If you and Dr. Choi don't mind I think it would benefit you both if we have a duel session. Knowing someone else who's going through the samething as you can help. Especially if one of you feels you might be slipping and can't get ahold of me, you can contact each other."
"Dr. Choi, maybe you can tell Shaylynn what's helped you with your PTSD other than sessions" Dr. Charles says.
"I adopted a bird who also seemed to be going through PTSD" Dr. Choi tells her.
He keeps waiting for Shaylynn to start laughing, but nothing.
"You don't think that's weird? A bird with PTSD?" Dr. Choi asks her.
"Not at all!" she tells him while pulling her phone out of her pocket.
She pulls up two pictures and shows them to Dr. Choi......

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