Chapter 32 "Gotcha!"

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Severide walks over to her, pulls her into his arms and starts kissing her. He stops, smiles at Shaylynn then grabs her hand.
He leads her into the bunk room, right into his Officer's Quarter's. Severide quickly draws the blinds, turns around and starts kissing Shaylynn again while taking her clothes off.
After her clothes are off, Shaylynn removes Severide's towel.
Severide backs up and sits down on his bed. He pulls Shaylynn down onto his lap, they then start making love.

Sam is out in the Common area. She really needs to be leaving, but wants to say goodbye to Shaylynn.
"Would it be alright if I went back to the locker room to say goodbye to Shaylynn? I really need to be going" Sam asks Boden.
"Sure. Once out of the Common area turn left. You'll see the sign" Boden tells her with a smile.
"Thanks!" Sam tells him.
She walks out of the Common area and follows Bodens instructions.
Sam finds the locker room door, she stands outside of it and opens it a little, "Hello, Shaylynn!" she calls out.
No answer.
"Shaylynn!" Sam calls out.
Again, no answer.
Sam walks in hoping she doesn't see anything she shouldn't, but there's no one in the locker room. Then she hears banging coming from the bunk room.
Sam walks toward the bunk room.
As she enters, she notices the blinds on one of the Officer's Quarter's are drawn and the banging is a lot louder, plus she hears moaning.
Her eyes get huge!
Sam quickly turns on her heels and walks out of the bunk room.
That's just as bad as catching your parents having sex! Sam thinks to herself as she walks to the Common area.
Boden sees Sam walk in, "Did you say goodbye to Shaylynn?" he asks.
"No. She and Kelly are getting reacquainted. Should probably give them some time before anyone heads to the bunk room" Sam says.
Everyone smiles.
"Gotcha!" Boden says to Sam.
"I'll see everyone later!" Sam tells them.
"Stay safe out there, Sam!" Boden tells her.
Sam smiles, walks out of the Firehouse and out to her car.
As Sam is sitting in her car getting ready to leave, the App on her phone that is used to monitor cell phones goes off.
She picks up her phone, opens the App and notices it's for Anna's phone. Quite a few text messages from an unknown number was received.

Anna's phone.......

Unknown: Has she shown up?

Anna: Yes, but only once. At least the woman said she was Shaylynn.

Unknown: Has her husband showed up?

Anna: I'm not sure. A Fireman showed up, but not sure if it was him.

Unknown: You've got to be kidding! You can't remember the pictures I showed you before you left?!

Anna: Sorry......

Unknown: Save it! Here's their pictures, study their faces well!

Anna: She's the woman who showed up. The same for the Fireman.

Unknown: Good! Since that buffoon couldn't break her, she'll have to be broke a different way. That way is her husband.....seduce him!

Anna: Have you seen her? How am I going to seduce him?

Unknown: He's a man! Any man can be seduced! Now do it! I didn't send you to Chicago for nothing! Now do what's expected of you! Also, make sure you delete these texts!

What the fuck?! Anna was sent here because of Shaylynn? Sam thinks to herself.
"Who the hell can this unknown number be that wants to destroy Shaylynn? Is the buffoon they're referring to the Trafficking boss?" Sam says to herself.
She decides to head home and see if anything was caught by the cameras she placed.

Thankfully the rest of the night there was no calls for 51. After what Sam told everyone before she left, they never saw Severide and Shaylynn the rest of the night.
Bright and early a call comes in for Squad. Severide rushes out of his Officer's Quarter's and out to the Squad truck. While getting on his turnout gear, he notices the guys are looking at him, smiling.
Severide shakes his head and laughs, "Get in the truck!" he tells his guys.
Squad pulls out of the stall, lights on and siren blaring.
Ten minutes after Squad has left, Shaylynn comes out of Severide's Officer's Quarter's and heads to the bathroom.
Out in the Common area Dawson's cell phone goes off starling her. She takes it out of her pocket and sees it's a text from Shaylynn.

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