Chapter 20

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-Chapter 20-

Willa's POV

 'Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine!' Louis yelled above me as I groaned a weird sound and buried my head deeper under the safety of the pillow to shield my sleepy eyes from the bright morning light glowing in from the open window.

 A jumped up when my pillow was snatched from above my dazed head, trying to grab it with my numb hands. I failed miserably, blinded by the sudden light, I fell off the bed into a huge tangle of legs and arms.

 'You fat bastard! Look what you did!' I yelled, leaning back to rest my head on the bed, I sat still, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light whilst untangling my twisted legs, my bad ankle throbbing slightly from the sudden fall.

 Louis laughed, offering me a hand to pull me up. I took his hand, moving my moving my ankle in a circular motion to try and relieve the tense muscles. The pain in my ankle died down as I began to put weight on it before I perched on the edge of the lumpy mattress.

 'We need to have some food and leave. Now.' Louis spoke seriously, forcing me out of the bed, I reached the bathroom and locked the door coolly, taking another long shower, I wasn't exactly sure when I'd be able to have one next so I'd take a pleasurable one now.

 As I plopped out, I reached for my towel I'd thankfully remembered, wrapping it over my body to cover myself up, I unlocked the bathroom door and walked to the closet, retrieving my bag.

 'Naked again?' Louis queried from where he sat watching the TV on the other side of the room, looking briefly over his muscular shoulder at me.

 I shook my head, taking my heavy bag and chucking it on the bed, one of my long arms wrapped securely around the top of my towel, keeping the soft material in place. 'Uhh, no. I have a towel this time!' I smiled, rummaging through the bag.

 'Whatever, you might want to wear something comfortable, not sure how long the walk will be to the nearest town.' Louis nodded before turning back to the TV, it was playing Vampire Diaries, if only humans actually knew how their myths and legends were our reality.

 'I didn't know you like to watch Vampire Diaries, isn't it a bit too girly drama for you?' I raised my eyebrows at Louis, cocking my head to the side. He turned in his seat and sent me a hard glare, the chair groaned under his weight shifting.

 'I like to check up on what those adorable humans think the latest werewolf gets up to, not to see if Elena and Stephen got back together or whatever.' Louis scowled, changing the channel immediately back over when he picked up the remote.

 I continued to sift through my clothes, picking some matching underwear and walking socks as I searched. I picked up a pair of jeans and a grey Ramones band t-shirt along with a pair of black high top converse. It probably wasn't the best walking outfit, but it was converse or flip-flops and I really didn't have much of a choice.

 I returned to the bathroom, slipping into my clean outfit, I walked to the mirror running a brush through my blond strands of wet hair, the drips staining my top. I didn't bother applying makeup, I didn't have any to hand and I don't think Louis bothered picking my makeup case up.

 'Ready!' I smiled lazily when I plonked next to Louis in one of the awful wicker chairs. 

 Louis laughed, turning his head to look at me, 'Really? Didn't see you packing?' He shrugged off my evil glare before I got up and zoomed around each of the two rooms in the apartment, collecting anything I owned and packing it into my bag. I was finally ready fifteen minutes later, my bag slung on my shoulder whilst I stood by the door to the hall.

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