Chapter 7

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The week passed quickly, I attended to my lessons, made a couple of knew friends, and realised that answering Mrs Brian back only gave you more detentions. I now had a whole month and a half of detention with her, and I was not looking forward to it, my wrist was aching from all the lines I'd had to write, at least I had had Louis to keep me company.

He had really warmed up to me, far from the jerk I thought he was, and I was beginning to know him a little better, he too hated Mrs Brian with a passion, and we were sharing most of the detentions I had with her together.

It was Saturday and I had woken up early from a nightmare and was unable to sleep, so I had decided to put some jeans and a t-shirt on, brush my hair into a ponytail and go into the forest at the rear of the garden/field. 

I smiled at the sun rise in the east, breathing in the cool morning air, goose bumps appearing across my bare arms. A shiver of joy overcame me as I stepped under the trees, enjoying the fact that they towered over me. I felt safe inside their large shadow. I could feel my wolf howl inside, happiness filling me up. It had been so long since I had let my wolf free, I was always so careful in case I got caught, but no one would find me here.

I ran further into the depths of the forest, coming to a small clearing before quickly undressing to prepare for the shift. As weird as that sounds, I didn't want to rip my clothes in the change and have nothing to wear back to the house. I put them down on the rock, as I would be able to sniff my way back to them once in wolf form but for now I was fine without them. I smiled, my pulse suddenly beating harder, I shut my eyes and concentrated.

I shifted quickly, my wolf eager to be released from my human form and she whined with happiness, spinning round after her tail, her white fur moving slowly in the breeze. Soon she decided to run back into the main forest, letting herself go wild. It had been so long since her bones had been stretched out, her muscles ached with the effort but it drove her further.

She jumped rocks, fallen trees until she reached the peak of the mountain that looked down on the rest of the green forest. The view was stunning, even for a wolf. The trees were glowing, like jewels in the sunlight, and the blue sky seemed to merge with the forest, the golden sparkle of sunlight light a waterfall cascading into the thick forest. She howled, turning her head to the wind and letting the beautiful song of my wolf escape her jaws.

After a while of her running around giddily, she sniffed her way back to the clearing, as I had planned, and let out a small growl as I began to let my human take over. She didn't want to be locked inside for another month or two, and I didn't want her to go either. But it had to be done.

I closed her eyes and made my human concentrate, blocking out the surroundings and the clear home-like smell of damp soil and wood. My bones snapped back into shape, and I felt empty and sad. I wanted to be wild like I'd felt five minutes ago with my wolf, but now I was human again, and separate from the forest and my wolf. It was awful.

Holding in a tear of lonliness, I reached for my pile of clothes, apologising to my sad wolf as she passed around inside again. She wanted to breath the forest more, sniff it out, dig around. But I had to restrain her.

There was a small cough from behind me. Shit! Someone had found me. I turned quickly, suddenly realising that I was naked. I looked up to see Louis standing with a smirk on his face, although his eyes were flicking over my bare body looking slightly distant. I flushed, so hard, I had never been more embarrassed, I grabbed at my top, using it to cover me, a grin crossed that devilish little face of his.

'What the hell!' I yelled, embarrassment flowing through my pink cheeks, 'Stop looking! Go away, arse-hole!'

'No, I like the view!' He said back at me, winking at me but turned round to face the opposite way, making my heart bounce out of my chest. I quickly fastened my bra around me, pulling on my jeans and top in lightning speed. His face looked disappointed when he turned to see me fully clothed, but his eyes still looked a little distant. He noticed me studying him, and gave me a 'what are you looking at?' kind of look.

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