Chapter 38

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Harry's POV. 

I felt Kate move in her sleep, causing me to wake up. I must have dozed off with her. I blinked my eyes open, and took a look at the beautiful girl who was sleeping in my arms. It was hard to believe that she was actually there with me. After she left me for the short period only hours ago, I thought that I'd never see her again, and that scared the hell out of me. Having her leave killed me. I figured I'd never see her again. When she came back and asked to say the night, I was finally able to breathe.  I wasn't able to sleep while she was in the other room. I never wanted to sleep again. When I woke up in the morning and she wasn't in the bed with me, I figured she ran off. The only thing that kept my heart from exploding was when I saw her standing at the front door, and even then it felt like it was going to burst through my damn chest. Katie would never know how much it meant to me when she agreed to stay with me. If she had gone to work, I probably would have followed her there, only to make sure that she'd return home to the apartment afterwards. 

I hated myself for the things I said to her that night. "You don't know how to fucking stand up for yourself." "You can't do shit on your own." The words rung in my ear like a fucking broken record. The moment they poured out of my damn mouth I regretted saying them. That was something I needed to work on, not being so fucking impulsive. I was always so quick to jump down someone's throat, or beat the shit out of someone. That's not the kind of guy Katie would want or deserve in a relationship. I wasn’t what she deserved. Katie deserved someone who could protect her, someone who would never let anything happen to her, but also someone who wouldn't lash out at her. I couldn't help yelling at her and saying those damn words, it just happened, and she deserved better.

But she was with me for now, and I had to enjoy having her around while it lasted.

"How long have I been asleep?" I heard Kate's soft, airy sleepy voice take me away from my thoughts.

Reaching for my phone on the table and checking the time I answered, "About three hours." I was glad that it hadn't been too long of a nap that we took, this way we still had all day together.

"It's nice to get a little extra sleep sometimes," she sighed, hugging me closer to her.

"If you didn't have to go to work so early you'd be able to sleep in all of the time."

"I know," she sighed, and sat up. "I'm going to make some coffee, do you want any?"

I still had a slight hangover from last night. "Please," I nodded. She kissed my cheek before getting up from the couch. Damn, I was lucky to have her. "How are you feeling?" she called from the kitchen.

I stood and walked over towards my girl, that way we wouldn't have to shout. My head was pounding, and the bright sun that was blazing straight into the apartment didn't make it any better. "I'm fine," I lied. 

"You sure?" she questioned as she poured a cup.

"Yeah," I said, taking it from her. "Just a headache."

She smiled as I took a sip from the hot mug. "It's black, just how you like it," she giggled. Hearing her laugh made me feel a little better. Hell, just having her there with me made everything better.

"So have you tried getting any new internship? I know it hasn't been that long since-,"

"Yeah," I cut her off. "Yeah, I have tried getting a new internship." 


I took a sip of the black liquid in my cup and thought of the answers that I could give her. I didn't know if I should tell her about the offer in London, or just tell her that there was nothing available.  With the state that she and I were in, I didn't want to have her tell me to take the job, making it so we wouldn't see each other.

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