Chapter 14

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"We have to leave one at a time," I whispered to Harry as we were clocking out for the day. 

"Why? You're leaving with me any way."

"I know, but Collin can't know."

"He already does, he told me to stay away from you earlier, that's what he talked to me about. He told me that he saw us both get out of my car and didn't like that we were together. He knows that you're coming with me."

It made me somewhat relieved that Collin knew that I was going to be leaving with Harry tonight, but I really didn't like him telling Harry to stay away. I didn't get why he was acting like this. He told me that he didn't want us to be more than just co-workers, but unless he was planning on giving Harry a job after his internship was up, I couldn't see why we couldn't be at least friends. 

"Oh, well alright then," I said.

"I'm not going to let him break us apart that easily. He's going to have to put up a fight," Harry said smiling. 

"Don't do anything too stupid," I said. "I happen to like my job."

"I won't do anything to get you fired, don't worry," he pointed out as he wrapped an arm around my waist and led me out of the office. "If anything he wouldn't sign off on my internship papers."

"Katie, Harry," Collin said as we walked passed him sitting at the desk, Harry's arm still on my waist. I felt the urge to push it off, just so that Collin wouldn't see, but I liked the way it felt. I liked him having his arm around me. 

"Bye Collin," I say, slightly turning around to make it look like I was pulling away from Harry's gentile touch. I got a glance at his face before exiting the building and it wasn't pleasant. I knew that I would be hearing about this in the morning. I didn't even care. I was looking forward to the night that Harry and I were about to have. 

"Are you trying to piss Collin of? I think you're doing a pretty good job of it," I laugh when we are finally out of the building.

"If that prick is going to try to tell us how to live our lives, yeah I'm going to try and piss him off," Harry said completely seriously. He smiled down at me when I didn't say anything back. "Katie, you'll be fine. I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize your career."

"You better not," I said and playfully hit him in his stomach; I couldn't help but feel his toned torso. 

"You're playful tonight, aren't you?" he laughed and unlocked his car. 

"Oh you have no idea," I joked back and hopped into the car. "So where are we going tonight?"

"What have you got a taste for?"

"I don't know, something unhealthy and fattening fir sure."

"Burgers and fries?"

"Ew, no," I said scrunching my nose.

"You don't like burgers?" Harry asked, a shocked look was on his face.

"No, they are horrible." I still had a disgusted look on my face.

"Ok," Harry laughed. "How about pizza?"

"Pizza's good," I said, happy we were off the burger subject. 

"I know a great pizza place. You able to wait until we get back to campus?" Harry asked as he turned on the car.

"I'm not starving to death," I lauged. 

Harry pulled out of the parking space and we were off to dinner. I rested my head on the side of the car and looked out of the window. I wished that we weren't so close to the city so we could see the stars. It was such a beautiful night out. Not a cloud in the sky. Why did the damn city lights have to go and ruin it. 

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