Chapter 2

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I entered the dorm room after brushing my teeth and washing my face in the bathroom down the hall. Camilla was adding blankets to the extra bed in her dorm. She was suppose to have a roommate, but, after a month of school and her not showing up, Camilla assumed that she would just be living on her own for the rest of the year. It made it nice for me when times like this happened and I needed a place to stay.

I hadn't gone to college after graduating in the spring, Jason didn't either. He and I both had somewhat good paying jobs so we both moved out of our parent's houses and rented a small apartment together. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time considering I hated living with my parents and I thought that I loved him, but looking back on it now, that was probably the worst decision I have ever made.

Unlike me, Camilla had all the intentions of going to school. She was studying law at Vanderbilt University. She had always known that law is what she wanted to do and I remember the day she got her acceptance letter to Vanderbilt. It was her dream school. I had always known that she would get accepted, but her expectations for herself were never high when it came to school. Camilla was always putting herself down when it came to academics, even though she was a genius. She was one of those people who would never have to study and she'd ace the test but she would still spend hours studying anyway. As for me, I had to spend hours studying. School never came easy for me.

Camilla and I would study together every day after school, and with her as a study partner, my grades weren't awful. I had A's and B's all throughout high school. I think that part of the reason why I didn't want to go to college was because I knew that I would never be able to do as well as I did in high school without Camilla by my side, and obviously I would never have made it into Vanderbilt.

"Are you still mad at me?" Camilla asked when she looked over at me putting my stuff back in my bag.

I thought about my answer for a moment. I wanted to be mad at her, but I couldn't. She was the one who was letting me live with her for now so I really couldn't be too angry. "No, I guess not," I sighed.

"Good! Do you know how awkward it would have been to be living together if you were pissed off at me the entire time?" The look on her face made me laugh. She took a seat on the bed that she had just made up for me.

We both looked at each other for a moment before breaking eye contact and looking around the room. You could feel the awkward tension between us. I didn't know why things were so awkward. We have been friends since we were in preschool. Our houses were right down street from each other and we had hung out every day since we've met.

Maybe that was the issue. We were so use to seeing each other every single day and for the past month since college started we've only seen each other twice. The apartment that Jason and I shared was an hour drive away from Vanderbilt's campus and with work and her school, we both didn't have time to go and visit each other. I decided to break the ice by asking the obvious question as I sat on the bed next to her. "So how's college?"

"Katie, it's incredible! You would love it!" she exclaimed. "You get to pick what your schedule looks like, you don't have to go to class if you don't want to, and the parties are amazing. I promise you, next time we go to a party together you'll have a good time. You won't be pissed about a boyfriend and I won't go off with some guy," she laughed at that last part. "Besides, I would have rather been with you tonight anyway, that guy smelt so bad," she joked.

Camilla was always the outgoing one out of us. I was actually pretty jealous of her if I'm going to be completely honest. But why wouldn't I be? She was perfect. She was super smart, she was gorgeous with her long, flowing blond hair, green eyes and 5'9" stature, she was friends with just about everybody and could pick up any guy that she wanted. Without even trying she managed to have the life that every girl wished to have. As for me, I've already said I'm nowhere near as intelligent as she is, I was pretty happy with the way I looked, though. My hair was fairly long and a nice chocolate brown, my eyes matched my hair color. With being a track runner I was in pretty good shape, the only thing I hated was my height, 5'2". And also unlike Camilla, I was not friends with everybody. I find it hard to open up and trust people, and without being an open book, most people don't want to waste their time. It's not that I'm too shy to talk and open up to people, I just don't think they need to know my life story right off the bat. And not to mention when I do talk to new people, I can come off kind of harsh, and just a tad bit awkward. Not the greatest combination in a person.

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