Chapter 9

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"What did Collin say to you?" Harry growled as he grabbed my for arm when Collin shut the door behind him as he walked into the booth for the next show. 

"What?" I jumped, a little taken back by his forceful action. 

"What did he say to you?" he lowered his tone this time. 

"Nothing, he didn't say anything," I whimpered, attempting to hold back my tears. 

"He obviously said something, you've been upset and quiet since you came back from your 'talk' with him. Did he do anything to you?" He let go of my arm. 


"Did he, you know, did he touch you?" 

"What? No. He didn't touch me." 

"Well then what did he say to you?"

"Nothing." Harry was beginning to annoy me. For one, what Collin and I talked about didn't concern him, even if it involved him. And two, he didn't need to know. It's not like we were exactly friends. At this point I wouldn't call us friends, just co-workers. And co-workers didn't need to know everything that went on in each other's lives. 

"Was if about me?"

"Why would you think it was about you?" I snapped. 

"I don't know," he shrugged. 

"Well it wasn't about you."

"What was it about then? Why won't you tell me?"

"Why the hell does it matter?"

"Fine, if you're going to be that difficult," he groaned.

"Why don't you tell me why you left me all alone yesterday?" 

"We're not talking about that," he snapped at me. 

"If you're going to be that difficult," I mocked.

"Wow," he half laughed. 

I glared over at Harry to see an amused look on his face. 

"What? Do you think this is funny?"

"No, it's just, he trailed off. 

"It's just what?"

"You're cute when you're angry."

I couldn't help the flush of red that rushed to my cheeks. I had never blushed when Jason complimented me, maybe it was because I knew that he didn't really mean what he said. "I'm cute when I'm mad?" I tried to have as much attitude as I could in my voice, with me smiling so much. 

"Yeah, it's cute."

"How so?"

"I like the way your eyebrows knit together," he says as he poked me in between the eyebrows. "And I like the way that your face turns a bit red and I like the way that you clench your jaw. It's cute because you are so short and tiny. A person your size shouldn't be able to have so much anger inside of them. It's cute," he shrugged.

I was blushing even more now. I wasn't use to getting compliments and actually believing them. The tone of his voice made me believe that he was genuine. 

"So are you going to tell me what you two talked about now?" he sort of smirked. 

"Not a chance," I smiled back. 

"Damn it," he jokingly groaned. 

At that moment I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay way from Harry the way the Collin wanted me too. I have never believed a compliment more than what he had said to me moments ago. Sure it might not have been one of the best compliments, but I liked it anyway. Also, I have never felt more comforted in my life than when he held me in his arms. Having him hold me made me feel like the world wasn't falling apart. He made me feel safe. 

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