Chapter 18

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"Here's the keys to the car, babe. I have to go do something before we leave," Harry quickly said as he placed his shiny key in my hand.

My heart fluttered a little bit when he called me babe. I didn't know what to call the relationship that Harry and I were having. It was clear to me that he and I were more than friends, and I knew that he wanted to be more than friends. We were going out together every night, I had spent the night in his bed, he called me babe, I was clearly the problem that was holding our relationship back by the reigns and not letting it go any farther. I didn't know why I was fighting my feelings so much for him. So what if Jason and I had just broken up?

I did think of one thing, though. My rebound.

If I got with Harry now, he would be considered my rebound, and I didn't want him to have that title. I liked him too much.

The walk from the building to Harry's black Range Rover wasn't too long, but I hated it. It was dark outside and the last time I walked out to a car alone, Jason showed up.

Luckily I made it to his car with no problems.

It seemed like ages that I was sitting in there waiting for Harry to show up. I wondered what he had to do. I was pretty sure that we had finished our duties for the day. The quickness and hushed tone in his voice kind of worried me, but I figured that he wouldn't be doing anything that could ruin his internship. He knew that he and I both were walking on thin ice with Collin.

I jumped as Harry opened the door, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you, Kate," he said with his dimpled smile, looking amused at my reaction.

"What did you have to take care of?" my mouth blurted out. I figured that whatever it was he had to do was none of my business, but my curiosity got the better of me.

"Oh it was nothing," he said as he stated up his car. "So are we headed to my house so I can cook you up a great meal?" He put his hand on the back of my seat and I could see scratches on his knuckles.

"Uh yeah, that's sounds good." I grabbed his hand as he was bringing it back around.

"Are these from when you and Jason fought?" I asked, running my hands over the surprisingly still open wounds. I remembered seeing his knuckles bloody at the party, but I would have thought that they would have healed by now.

"Oh, um, yeah," Harry shakily said. "I hit that douche a lot. It's a small price to pay for beating the shit out of him," he said nonchalantly as he pulled his hand away from my grasp and put it on the wheel.

"Still, I just feel like it's taking a long time for them to heal," I sighed.

"It's nothing, really, babe. I'm fine," he added looking at me with a reassuring smile.

He gripped my hand back in his and intertwined our fingers. I tensed up a bit with his actions and had the sudden urge to pull away from him, but I didn't. I don't know what I wanted. All of my emotions were flooding together. I didn't know if I just liked Harry because he saved me from Jason or if I truly enjoyed his company, and not to mention the fact that I didn't know if I was ready for a relationship or not. I guessed that I did enjoy his company. I always had a great time when I was with Harry. He made me laugh, as much as he hated hearing about it, he listened to me if I needed to vent about Jason, and on top of it all, he made me feel safe whenever I was around him. The relationship detail was killing me though. I didn't know if I was ready to open up that door for awhile.

"You've been oddly quiet, Kate," he said as he brought my hand up to his mouth and swiftly giving it a kiss then bringing both of our hands back down to rest on my thigh.

"I've just been thinking," I sighed as we pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex.

"About what?"

"Us," I truthfully answered. I knew I'd be pestered with questions, but I couldn't come up with a quick enough lie.

"What about us?" he asked, shutting off the ignition off but remaining in the car.

"What do you consider us to be, Harry?" I asked back, waiting a few moments for an answer but it felt like eternity.

"Well I already told you what I wanted, but I know you are only looking for friendship right now and I respect that. We don't need to be any more than friends." he answered.

I knew he thought that was what I wanted to hear, but it wasn't. I wanted to hear him say that he thought of us as more than friends and that he wanted to be in a relationship. He brushed passed that part and went straight for the friendship area. I had been friendzoned.

"It's not that I'm looking for friendship, I just don't want to be hurt again."

"You should know by now that I'm never going to hurt you, or let anyone or anything hurt you for that matter." A few moments passed before he asked, "What about you?"


"Well, when I asked you to be my girlfriend a few days ago you said you'd think about it, have you thought about it?"

I didn't know how I should answer. I felt like the truth would be the best way to do it, but the truth was getting no where. I had been going through the truth in my mind and I couldn't come to a conclusion.

I looked over to Harry who was staring out of the window. He reminded me of that day in the diner with his head in his hands begging me to say something about him asking me to be his girlfriend. I was as uncertain then as I was now.

I did the only thing I could think to do.

I kissed him.

I had both of my hands on either side of his face as I pressed my lips roughly against his. I took him a little bit off guard, but only a split second passed before his lips were moving perfectly with mine and I felt the coolness of the ring around his lip move along my lips while he moved his hands to my sides.

The kiss told me everything that I needed to know about how I was feeling. I felt the sparks that I had never felt with Jason. I felt like everything that was unclear about Harry and I was finally unclouded and I knew that I wanted to be with him.

"Did you feel that?" I asked after pulling away from the kiss in a breathy voice.

"Yeah, I felt that," he panted. He looked down at me as he moved his hands from around my hips to my face and rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs. I studied his face, seeing the moonlight shine off of the ring in his eyebrow and around his lip and then back up into his darkly lined eyes. "So is that a yes?" he asked, hopefully.

"Yes," I smiled up at him.

"Yes what?" he smirked.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend," I smiled before he kissed me again.

(Once again, sorry for such a late update, and sorry for it being so short. I hope you liked it though! And I just thought I should let you know, I wrote it all whole listening to Story Of My Life. What do you all think of the song? I'm in love! ♡)

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