Chapter 12

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"So did you and Harry kiss?" Camilla jumped as I crept into the room smiling. 

"No. Some idiot came and interrupted us," I jokingly mocked towards her. 

"Oh my god! I ruined it! Kate I'm so sorry!" She looked really concerned that I was mad about it. 

"Cam, it's ok," I laughed. "

In a way I was sort of relieved that she did open the door. I had just told Harry that being in a relationship was something that I didn't want right then. Who knows what a kiss, even if it was a small one, could have lead to. With Camilla in the room it probably wouldn't have lead to much, but it might have gotten me that 'girlfiend' status.

But man, did I want to kiss him. His lips were so pink and looked so soft. He was probably a great kisser.

"So what's going on with you and Harry?" Camilla asked as she plopped down on her bed bringing the bowl of pop corn to her lap that she must have been eating before I got back.

"Honestly, I don't really know." I sat next to her and took a handful of the salty snack. "I mean you know what happened last night when he left me at Toney's. But tonight we went out to dinner and we had a really good time. He even got a little jealous I think," I blushed remembering how snappy he got with Mark.

"He got jealous? With who?" Camilla was always so enthusiastic with everything she said. It made telling stories so much fun. Seriously.

"Well our waiter, I guess he was hitting on me. He kept looking at me and not Harry and he'd wink at me and stuff. Harry would get so worked up and he snapped at him a few times. It was kinda cute. Jason never would have--," I trailed off realizing that I was talking about Jason. I really needed to stop that. 

"That's so weird," Camilla groaned out as she brought her hands to the sides of her head. I saw a little smile grow on her lips. 

I couldn't help but smile as I said, "And that's not even the weirdest part."

"What the hell!" she screamed. "What happened?"

"He asked me to be his girlfriend."

Camilla sat there in shock for a moment. Her jaw was in her lap and he hands were still attached to the sides of her head. "He what!"

"Yup," I blushed.

"And you said?"

"I said alright," I looked at my lap, still ashamed of my response to Harry's question. "But we're not together."

"Why not?" 

"I said alright. He didn't want me to just agree to go out with him, which I get. If I asked someone to be my boyfriend I'd be pretty upset if they just said alright. I think we're just going to see what happens. Take it slow."

"That's probably for the best since you and Jason--,"

"Yeah, that and the fact that Collin doesn't want me anywhere near Harry outside of the station."

"Are you kidding me? You're joking, right?"

I shook my head. 

"Who the hell is he to tell you who you can and can't hang out with? If he should have said that about anyone it should have been Jason!"

"He says he doesn't want there to be any other kind of relationship between co-workers. I mean it makes sense, I just think it's odd. He's never said that to me before."

"It's weird that he only has said that about Harry."

"What do you think he has against him? He hasn't done anything. He's only been there like three days!"

"I don't know. What are you going to do?"

"Good question. I still don't know. I mean, I do like Harry, a lot. But I don't want to risk losing the job that I love over a guy I just met. Especially when I'm about to get my own show. There's just so much going on. What do you think I should do?"

"Well honey, when it comes to forbidden love, you've come to the right place. You remember Tom Johnson?"

How could I forget Tom Johnson? He was a guy, a lot like Harry actually in his style, who Camilla dated back in junior year just to piss her parent's off. They had been arguing for days and she brought him home one day. They were so pissed off, so I'm told. Camilla's parents told her that if she was to be with him ever again that they'd kick her out of the house. She didn't listen. She dated him for about three weeks before cutting it off, realizing that she wasn't into the 'punk bad boy' type.

"Yes I remember."

"Good. Anyway. You guys have just got to sneak around. Don't talk about dates when you're at work. Always take seperate cars, don't go anywhere that Collin would go. It's not that difficult once you get the hang of it."

It was times like these when I loved my best friend. One of the perks of having a genius for one, they always know what to do. 

Harry's P.O.V

I couldn't believe that bitch Camilla had to go and ruin our kiss. I damn near had Katie and she had to go and fucking open the door. Who the hell opens the door if they hear voices in the hallway? It's a college dorm, people are going to be coming and going all day long. 

On the plus side, dinner with Katie was really good. It did really piss the hell out of me how that dick of a waiter kept hitting on her, though. Who the hell does that? She was sitting at a table with another guy, with me, what would make him think it was ok to do that?

I wish she would have straight up said yes to being my girlfriend. Alright. I didn't like the tone she said it with either. It pissed me off. Who the fuck said alright when someone asks them to be their girlfriend? She'll say yes eventually. And a real yes, not just fucking 'alright.'

After making multiple rounds around the campus building I finally was able to find an open area to park. One thing I absolutely hated about college was that there was never any room to park. It was nearly eleven o'clock at night, why where there so many god damn people here?

"Hey," Kyle said as I walked into the studio room. I just nodded my head towards him. "What took you so long to get here?" 

I check my watch to see that I was a half hour late from the time we originally agreed on. "Trying to find a damn parking spot," I groaned. I hated being interrogated. 

"Were you with her too?" 

"Who gives a shit why I'm late? I'm here now so just move on," I snapped. 

"So you were with her," he concluded. Why was I even friend with Kyle? He's annoying as hell. "Fine. Don't tell me. I'll just tell everyone that you're sleeping with the enemy."

"The enemy? What the fuck are you talking about?" I growled. He was really getting under my skin. 

"She's dating Jason, isn't she?" 

I rolled my eyes in disgust. I was so fucking tired of hearing that prick's name. "Was," I added. 


"She was dating Jason," I cleared up. 

"She's not anymore though?" 

"That's what was would mean, dumb ass," I groaned. 

"So you're getting with her now?"

"Looks like it," I smirked. 

"The plan is falling right into place," Kyle said mischievously.

(Hope you liked this chapter! I don't know if I'll be updating tomorrow or not. Football night ;) Thank you all for reading. Let me know what you thought! Love you guys ♡)

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