Chapter 23

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I was lying on my side as the loud noise of the alarm on my phone started to blare into my ear and forced me to peal my eyes open. The room was completely dark except for the little bit of light from the town down below that was peaking through the window. It was still ridiculously early in the morning and the sun hadn't had a chance to rise yet. I slowly shut my still heavy, tired eyes and reached my arm out, fumbling around with a few of the other objects that were set on the table trying to find phone to shut off the obnoxious noise that was ringing out of it. 

"Shut it off," Harry's low, crackly morning voice groaned and his grip around my waist tightened. Up until feeling his arm pull me closer, I had almost forgotten that I was sleeping with him. I smiled to myself as I started to regain my consciousness and feel his body heat radiating off of him and onto me. He was rubbing his thumb against my abdomen, it tickled a little bit, but it was a good feeling. His head was dipped down into the crook of my neck and I could feel the tips of his hair slightly brushing my skin. "Hurry up and turn it off, babe, please. It's loud," he softly whispered into my ear before placing a kiss on the top of my shoulder.

After grabbing what seemed to be about a dozen different objects, I finally found the small rectangular object and clicked the snooze button, not wanting to get up from the position that Harry and I were in. I was still enjoying the closeness that we had together.

I turned my body in his arms so my front was facing his and wrapped my arm around his body loosely. I ducked my head under his chin and shut my eyes, hoping to get just a few more minutes of sleep. "Not ready to get up?" Harry whispered before kissing the top of my head. 

"Not quite yet," I smiled back, even though he couldn't see me smiling. Just being with him, in his arms, in the morning, all of what was happening was making me not want to get up more and more. I wished that we could stay in this position forever, just wrapped against each other. I've never had the closeness with anyone like I did with Harry, granted the only other person that I had  been with Jason. But mornings with Jason were never like this. I usually would find Jason passed out on the couch after drinking too much after one of our infamous fights, or else he would be at the completely other end of the bed with his back facing me. We were never like Harry and I. We never cuddled up in each other's arms before we went to bed, and surly we would have never woken up in each other's arms. This was a new experience for me and I was loving every bit of it.

It felt more like ten seconds instead of ten minutes, but the loud ringing of my phone went off once again. "Now I'm not quite ready to get up, Kate," Harry whispered against my hair and then added yet another kiss to the top of my head.

"Why don't we just shut it off completely?" I said. I rolled away from Harry to make it easier to grab for my phone off of the table. 

"What?" Harry asked as he rubbed his eyes with one hand and then ran both hands through his hair. I couldn't help but want to do the same to his hair, it looked so soft, and with it being all jumbled around from sleeping, it made Harry looke even more precious. "I thought you weren't ready to get up either?"

I looked up at him and smiled before kissing the tip of his chin. "That's what I'm saying." Harry scrunched his eyebrows a little bit and squinted his eyes.  I could tell that he was still not following. I pulled a little at his necklace again and twirled it around in my fingers. "You said you wanted the Nashville experience. Today's the day."

He shot his eyebrows up and a small, but excited grin appeared on his lips. "Are you serious?" he questioned in his adorable morning voice.  I nodded smiling. "Well then we can get rid of this," he said taking my phone out of my hands and reaching over to set it back onto the table. "Go back to sleep, babe," he added. In a split second, his arms were pulling me back into him. He added a kiss on the tip of my nose and tightening his grip around me before resting his chin on top of my head and drifted back to sleep.

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