Chapter 7

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I took my time as I ate my food. I wanted to waste as much time as I could before I had to call Camilla for a ride. I debated whether I should walk back to the dorms or not. I decided against it seeing as it was dark out and I had no clue what creeps were leaking around the corners of this city. You could never be too safe. 

I was mad that Harry left. I knew that what I had said wasn't the nicest thing in the world, and I shouldn't have just listened to the rumors. I should have asked him if it was true the first day that he asked me what I had heard about him at the radio station.

The only thing that I was confused on was why that rumor was started in the first place. If Harry truly didn't hit that kid in South Carolina and all, then why was the rumor even started. Or was Harry just lying to me? That was always a possibility. I couldn't believe that he was lying to me though. Sure, I've only known Harry for a few days, but he looked really hurt with what I had said.

I wish he hadn't walked out on my like that. I wish that he would have stayed and let me ask him what really happened and maybe I'd be able to piece together the rumor and figure out why it had started. That's a pretty bold rumor for someone to have just made up out of the blue without some part of it being a little bit true. 

I felt sort of bad for Harry. He seemed like he had never even heard of that rumor before. It scared me to think of the other things that people could be saying about him that weren't true. Besides what happend tonight, Harry really did seem like a genuine guy. He's shown that he can be caring in some ways, he's not all dark all of the time. People could be saying so much crap about him and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it because he wouldn't even know what they are saying. Even though I knew what he could do about it if he did know, and it wouldn't be pretty I'm guessing. 

"Camilla?" I finally called her.

"Yeah, Kate? Are you alright?" I could hear the concern in her voice.

"Can you come pick me up?" I was trying to hold back my tears as my voice craked. I don't know why I was crying. Maybe it was because I was upset with Harry for leaving. Or maybe it was because I've been crying for just about three days straight and I was bound to let loose at some point today. I figutred it was a mixture of both.

"Yeah sure, where are you at?" I heard Camilla shuffle around for her car keys.


"I'll be there soon." I heard the door shut before she hung up the phone.


"Just let me know when you're ready to talk about it," Camilla sighed sympathetically as we walked into the dorm room. 

When she picked me up from the restaurant I was bawling my eyes out, I didn't even know why. It's not like I had been truly hurt by Harry, if anything I was more so mad at him than upset. Either way I was crying. I hated it. Before the night I broke up with Jason I barely ever cried. Now I was lucky if I could go eight hours without letting a year fall down my face. 

What made it worse was that I had not clue why I was crying so much. The first night when Jason showed up at the party was reasonable. I was scared and not to mention I had just gone through a break up. 

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