Chapter 34

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(Please note that this chapter has some suggestive content that readers under the age of 18 should read at their own risk. Also, the story is now defiantly rated R so be sure to save this to your libraries as it will be harder to find now.)

Harry's POV.

We've been back at the apartment for about an hour, there wasn't much time before it'd be time for both Katie and I to get up and start getting ready for work. Katie had her sweet head resting on my bare chest, her entire body rising and falling as she took steady, deep breaths in her sleep. Her long dark hair was pulled into a loose ponytail, tied off with a pink ribbon so it wouldn't get a crease in it, and draped over her shoulder.

She looked so peaceful when she slept. I loved the slight curl to the side of her lips when she was asleep, and the way that she would randomly tighten then loosen her grip she had on me. Every time she did that I held her a little bit closer. It was a shame that soon the blaring nose of Katie's alarm would go off and disturb her from this peaceful place. I wished that she and I could stay cuddled like this forever.

I never had someone that I wanted to be with every second of every day the way that I did with Katie. Nobody ever made me feel the way that Katie did. She made me feel like I was worth something, like I wasn't just a waste of space. I loved the way she would look at me and smile when she thought I wasn't paying attention; I loved the way that she held onto me whenever we were walking together; I loved the way she talked to me about anything. Being with Katie made me feel special, something that I haven't felt for a while. When I saw her looking over at me after I had won, the smile on her face made the win feel even better. All of the things that Katie makes me feel had me sounding like a complete pussy, but I didn't give a fuck what anyone thought about her and I. We were happy together, and if someone had something to say about it they could speak to my fist jabbing them in the face.

My thoughts were cut off by my phone buzzing on the bedside table to my left. I stretched my arm out, careful not to move too much and wake my beautifully sleeping girlfriend in my arms. I quickly dimmed the light on the screen so the brightness didn't burn my eyes. I unlocked my phone to see a text message from Collin.

*Don't bother coming in today. Hopefully you're smart enough to realize that you've been fired. I've already contacted the school. Good luck finding another internship.*

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone back onto the table. The only reason that sick bastard was firing me was because I won the fight earlier. He was going to try his best to keep me away from Katie. And I'm sure he left an awful review for me with the administration's office. He probably told all sorts of shit to make sure it was next to impossible for me to get another internship, just because he hated me enough.

The fight that I had just finished was one of my best fights I've ever had, and it had to have been because Katie was there for me. I felt that she made me stronger. I had more of a reason to want to beat Jason. He hurt Katie in ways that could never be taken back. He used her insecurities against her and made it impossible for her to get away from him. It was my job to make him pay for his god damn mistakes.

Collin was probably at the fight and saw how well I fought compared to the other fights he's seen me in. He also probably figured that Katie was my good luck charm, as she was for Jason. He was going to use all of his power to keep Katie from me, but I wouldn't take any of his bullshit. Katie was mine. Not his. Not Jason's. She was mine.

I looked down at the beautiful girl who was sleeping in my arms. Even though I had only known her for a little over a month, I couldn't picture life without her. If Collin was going to try his best to keep her away from me, I was going to do all I could to keep her in my life. From the moment I met her she turned my life around. I had never felt the way I did towards her for anyone else. I always tended to shut people out of my life, but for some reason I pulled Katie into mine. Something about her made me never want to let her go.

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