Chapter 29

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Harry's POV. 

All I wanted to do after Katie had told me what happened to her family years ago was run straight out of that fucking apartment. Now that I left all I wanted to do was go back. 

After she told me, I had no idea what to say, I was practically crying with her. I haven't felt emotion like that in years. If that's how I got just hearing about her experience I couldn't even imagine what it must have been like for her.

While Kyle and I were at the studio he had to keep bringing me back to reality. My mind kept drifting to Katie. She was probably lying on the couch still crying her eyes out. She was probably trying to hold them back as she always does but let them come out since she was alone.

I hated seeing her cry that way. It was that kind of cry where you make those strange noises because you're letting so much emotion out of you; it was fucking awful to see. As much as I wanted to get out of that apartment I really wanted to hold her close to me and tell her everything would be alright. I never wanted to hear or see her cry that way again.

"Dude, that girl is making you crazy. You've got to get your shit together or else we're never going to finish this song for class. I don't want to fail because you're fucking whipped," Kyle calmly scolded me.

Even though his tone was soft, it fucking pissed me off. "I'm not whipped, dip shit. I've just got a lot on my mind."

"Don't expect me to talk to you about it. I don't do that therapy shit."

"I didn't ask to talk to you about it. Just lay off me."

"I just want you to do your shit," Kyle said facing me then spun back around in his chair and put his headphones on.

He was so damn irritating. He had no idea what the hell was going through my mind right now. It's not like I'd want him to know, I just wanted him to shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone. 

It was another two hours before we finally finished the god damned song for our songwriting class. It was the shittiest mix of alternative and rock music that you could put together, but it was finished.

"You need to get back out there, Styles," Kyle said as we began shutting off the sound boards.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means there's a party tonight at the house. You're coming."

"I'm not going to one of those shitty frat parties. Katie needs me tonight and besides Ashton's a dick and he's obviously going to be there. I don't want to see his damn face."

"Katie doesn't fucking need you. This is what I meant by you bring whipped! If you want to be with her so badly, bring her with. You just need to get back out there. You've missed every party for that past two weeks!"

"Maybe that's because the parties are the same every night. People get wasted and don't have a god damn care in the world who sees them fucking each other. It's disgusting." Kyle was pissing me off. All I wanted was for him to lay off me needing to get out. I just wanted to go home and see Katie.

"You do realize that up until you met that prude you were one of those people."

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that!" I growled and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Do you understand me?"

Memories of drinking as much as I could and grabbing whatever girl walked passed me when I poured another drink flashed through my mind. I'd always show up to the party with one girl and leave with another and have about three different ones in between. Before I met Katie, it didn't matter who I was with. I just wanted a girl on my arm every fucking five seconds. But now I had Katie. Now I had someone who I actually wanted to spend time with. I had no need to go to parties to get a girl to sleep, and besides, Katie didn't even like parties. I wouldn't want to make her go some place I knew she was going to have a shitty time at.

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