Chapter 37

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The courtyard outside of the dorms was dimly lit, and the light post that was closest to me kept flickering on and off, only making the situation scarier. I could feel the nervous sweat forming on my back, causing my shirt to stick to my clammy skin, and beads of sweat were surrounding my hairline.

I knew this was going to happen. I knew he was going to come after me. Leaving Harry only made Jason's movements of getting me back amplified. There was no barrier between him and me. I was like a plastic bag, floating in the wind uncontroably. I never had control of my own life. Not once.

After being chased out of the parking lot by my ex, I had beat him to the dorms, only to realize that I had left the key card that Camilla gave me on my dashboard. I saw Jason approaching me. He quit running. Even though he was moving slowly, every step he took felt like a stab in the chest. The smirk on his face was getting clearer as he approached.

"I don't like having to chase what belongs to me, Katie. You should have known that by now," he scolded as he approached. He grasped my arm, pushing it against the brick building, and rested his other arm on the other side of my body, making a barrier so I wouldn't be able to run. The smirk on his face disappeared, and the tone in his voice got more serious. "I guess I'll just have to teach you a lesson," he said gripping my arm tighter. I could practically feel the bruise that was sure to be there in the morning.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a few wimps and whines. I couldn't form a proper sentence. Jason's preciseness terrified me. I wanted to push him off. I wished that I had been smart enough to run to one of those emergency booths and call for campus security to take Jason away. I wished that Jason had never been in my life to begin with. No matter what anybody says, bad experiences don't make you stronger; the bad experiences only make you weaker. They make you realize that you can't do anything. They make you realize that you're just an object in life. 

Jason looked deep into my eyes. "Are you ready for your lesson?"

Before I had the chance to answer, his fist that was resting on the wall behind me was pulled back and released towards me.

"Katie! Katie! Katie!" I head a thick, raspy voice yelling at me through my staggered heavy breathing. I snapped my head around to see who was speaking. "Katie," he said a little more calmly. "Are you alright?"

I sat up in the bed, Harry's shirtless body sitting next to me. He was rubbing my arm comfortingly as I wiped the sleep from my eyes and a bit of sweat from my forehead. "Yeah," I sighed. "Just a bad dream."

"You scared me," he half laughed. "I heard you whining and screaming in here. I thought someone had broken in."

"No," I shrugged. "Just a dream." I hated how often I was getting these dreams with Jason in them. They didn’t just scare me, they terrified me. Jason was a monster of who I could not control. He was mean, ruthless, and just awful. How he was in my dreams was exactly how he was in person when he and I were together. I hated how I couldn’t control him. I hated how I just let whatever he wanted to have happen, happen. I was to scared and too weak to stop him, and it pissed me off.

"So you're sure you’re ok?" he asked, concern filling his eyes.

"Positive," I tried to smile. As ok as I could ever be. With that monster still swarming my life, I wasn’t sure I’d ever actually be ok. There was so much that I worried about. What would happen if he showed up at my work? With Harry not there anymore, and seeing as Collin was on Jason’s side, nobody would be there to protect me. That new guy Wayne might, but it seems as if he listens to whatever the hell Collin tells him, so he’d probably be on Collin’s side.

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