Chapter 28

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Harry's POV.

"Holy shit! Collin! What the hell happened?" Katie gawked at Collin's bruised face.

I gave him a hard stair, reminding him that if he spoke word of what happened I'd do more damage next time. After I found out that he had kissed Katie, I couldn't help but beat the shit out if the prick. I had sent Katie out to the car with my keys at the end of the day so that she wouldn't see or hear what was happening. She told me to not worry about that ass hole kissing her and that she was fine, but I could see that in her eyes she was hurt. He was one of the few people she trusted and he broke that trust for her. I had to teach him a god damned lesson. 

I just really didn't want Katie to know that I was the one who did the damage to him. Having this secret weighed down on me even more than the plan did. I knew that Katie was going to find out what happened at some point, I just hoped that she would be as cool about it as she was with the plan. But something told me she wouldn't be. She told me not to worry about it and I made an even bigger issue with punching him repeatedly in the face. But he fucking deserved it. He fucking kissed her!

"Just walked into a shelf in my house," the dumb fuck said pointing to his blackened eye. "The lights were off and I didn't realize I was so close to it." 

A shitty lie, but at least he didn't tell her it was me.

"Is that why you weren't at work the other day?"

"Uh, yeah," he mumbled. 

He disgusts me. Every movement, every sound he makes, hearing him breath. Everything that prick does aggravate me and makes me want to punch a hole in a wall. Just seeing his god damn face pissed me off. 

"Katie, there are a few new boxes that need to be sorted out," he said pointing to the back room. "Harry, a word before you go and join her?"

The last thing I wanted to fucking do today..

We walked into the office and I shut the door behind me. I was barely able to breath before the douche jumped down my throat. "Don't fucking think that I'm going to keep your little secret forever, Styles," he threatened.

"What you're going to tell her that you got your ass kicked? I think she already knows. I mean you're dumb as fuck but I don't think Katie even believed your bullshit cover of walking into a damn shelf. You had plenty of time to come up with a reason, that was really the one you decided to go with?" I crossed my arms on my chest. 

"Do you really think she's going to want to stay with you after she finds out you only want her to win a fucking boxing match? Yeah, I know what was going on. Did you really think that Jason wouldn't have found out? I mean it was pretty fucking obvious. With your reputation of going through girls daily, it was made pretty clear when you were out with her every night."

"I've already got that taken care of."

"She knows about the plan?" Collin asked, a little taken back, obviously shocked that I told her. 

"The whole fucking thing."

It took him a little moment before shaking off the shock of her knowing. "It doesn't even fucking matter. Come the day of the fight, we'll see who the really winner is."

Collin was such a fucking tool. Something that I don't think Katie was aware of was that Collin was Jason's manager when boxing season came around. He played it off by saying that he was going to a match I for moral support, but he was the fucking manager. I recognized Collin when I first came to the job. When he started telling Katie to say away from me I knew something was up. I had Kyle do some research and found out he was Jason's manager. Once I found that out, it all made sense as to why he wanted Katie to stay away from me. He probably knew I was getting close to her to help me win in the match coming up against Jason. 

"Whatever," I groaned and stormed out of the room. I knew that Jason didn't stand a chance against me; I just hated dealing with people who were oblivious to that fact. 

I walked out of the office pissed as hell, but as soon as I saw Katie rummaging through the boxes of new disks, it felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. She had her headphones in, probably listening to Nickleback, her artist of the week, and she bobbed her head back and forth to the best. 

I found it oddly amusing that Katie had an artist of the week. Every week she would choose one artist on her playlist and listen to all of their songs. She said she had to do that so she would listen to all of the music that she had. It was an odd thing, but knowing someone had as much music as I did made me feel a little happy. I wasn't the only obsessed one. 

"Hey," I said walking up to her. "Hey," I said again, and tapped on her shoulder, realizing that she hadn't heard me because her music was too loud. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I noted as she jumped when I touched her. 

"Oh it's fine," she said as she stood up from her chair and gave me a hug after taking her headphones out of her ears. 

"What have we got today?" I asked pointing to the box. 

"Just some crappy country music," she said scrunching her nose. 

"For a girl who grew up in Tennessee, you really hate country music," I joked as I took the open seat next to hers. 

"Nashville is Music City, Harry, there's so much more music here than country."

"You still wow me a trip down that street with all the studios."

"Just say when," she smiled. "What did Collin talk to you about?" she asked after a few moments of silence. 

"Nothing really," I said, unsure of the lie I should have planned on coming up with to tell her. I should have known she was going to ask me. 

"Was it about not showing up yesterday?" Katie asked, looking down at the box trying to avoid eye contact. I could hear a bit of worry in her voice. 

I mentally thanked her for bring up being late because how I had my lie. "He just asked why we both hadn't shown up."

"Was he mad?"

"At me, mostly."

Her head dropped a little more than it already was. "Don't worry, Katie," I reassured taking her hands in mine. "I told him that it was my fault, that you didn't have a car. It's fine. Nothing's going to happen."

"You're sure?"

"Positive," I softly said before giving her a little kiss on the lips. 

I was positive that nothing would happen to either of us for ditching yesterday. Collin knew that if he tried anything he'd just get the shit beaten out of him again. 

After that Katie put her headphones back in. Every chance I got I took a glance at her. Small smiles forced their way to my face as I saw her mouthing the words to the song that was playing. I could see that when she was listening to music she got lost in it. She shut everything else out and it was just her and the song. 

It's how I felt when I was with her. The way she reacts with music, shutting everything else out was what I did to the world when her and I were alone. I never had someone take me so out of my element the way that she did. She was something else. 

Katie's POV.

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