Chapter 25

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Harry opened the door open for me and helped me into his tall car, as he always did, before pecking my cheek with his incredibly soft, pink lips. He shut the door once I was buckled in and jogged around the front of the car to get in the seat next to me. "Where are we headed, babe?" he asked as he started the engine. He put one arm behind my seat to help him turn around and look out the back window as he pulled out of his parking space. I smiled at the way he kept his mouth slightly open when he was doing it. 

"First I was thinking we could go to the Parthenon? It's pretty interesting and almost everyone who comes and visits Nashville goes there. It'd be perfect for a tourist like you," I joked at the end. 

"Hey now," he played along. "I'm not a tourist. I do live here. I just want to be treated like a tourist." 

"Alright, alright," I laughed. 

"So how do we get there?" 

"Just make your way back to campus. It's not too far away from the administration buildings," I directed.

The entire ride there Harry held my hand in his and rested the both of them on my thigh. It was comforting having him do that, especially with the way he sped down the road twenty miles over the speed limit. It was reassured me that he wouldn't let anything hurt me. When we were at stop lights, he'd take his other hand off of the wheel and look over at me. I blushed as I'd see him slightly turn his head in my direction and have his lips curl up into a slight smile. At first I asked him what he was looking at and he simply replied, "at the most beautiful person on the planet."

Jason would have never been like that to me. He would grip the steering wheel with both hands and never look over at me. He would always have a stern look on his face when he was driving, like he wasn't even happy that I was in the car with him, or even aware of the fact that I was preset. 

Damn it, I've not to stop thinking about Jason. I'm with Harry. Not him. 

"Looks like where're here, babe," Harry said, knocking me out of my thoughts minutes later. "Where should I park?"

I quickly examined the few different winding roads that spread all around the park. "Take the next left; it'll lead us right to the building so we don't have to walk."

"Got it." 

We got up closer to the building and with each moment that we got closer my smile got wider and wider. It wasn't my first time visiting the Parthenon, but each time I went I was always amazed at how beautiful, how detailed and how big it was. I could see Harry's jaw drop a little in the reflection of his window as we drove past the massive building to the parking lot. 

He pulled in a spot and shut off the car. He quickly got out and ran around the front to help me out of the large vehicle. "Shall we?" he smiled as he held out his hand for me to grab. I intertwined our fingers as we made our way to the building. 

"This place is enormous," Harry gawked as we walked up the large stairs to stand next to one of the pillars. "Look," he said grabbing my shoulder and guiding me in between one of the crevices of the huge posts. "You can nearly fit in one of these!" he said amazed as both of my shoulders just barley fit in the crevice of the pillar. 

"I know, right?" I said just as amazed as he was. "Isn't it incredible how massive this place is? And it's a replica! The real Parthenon must be even more incredible than this!"

"I could take you there someday, you know," he smiled. 

"Let's see how you like the rest of this one before you decide to take me all the way across the world to see it again," I joked.

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