Chapter 4

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"Please. Jason. Stop," I begged as he inched closer to me.

He moved a piece of hair away from my face. "Come on, baby. Don't be that way," he seductively whispered as he brushed his lips against mine. He tasted like whisky. That only scared me more; he was so unpredictable when he was drinking. He was even more of a ticking time bomb. 

"Remember how you use to love it when I did this?" He turned my head to the left, giving him more access to my neck. He began sucking and nibbling right below my ear, he knew that was my sweet spot. I let out a weak moan as he bit a little harder. “Do you remember how hot and wet just at my touch?” He placed his hands on my bare thigh, moving up and taking advantage of the fact that I just had on a big t-shirt. “You remember that, baby?”

I didn’t reply. I was too intrigued by his touch. Every inch of my body felt like it was on fire. I missed his touch, the way he made me feel.

“Well let me make you remember.”  He moved his hand further up my thigh, only moments away from the hem of my panties. I wanted to push him off, I knew that us doing this, us being together at this moment was wrong. If the rest of the night kept moving forward the way that things were going right now, I would be back in his home by morning. I wouldn’t be able to stay away. That’s what his touch does to me.

It scared me how he made me fall under his spell like that. He made me feel so weak. I was like a moth and he was the flame. The way he treated me when we had these intimate moments was so sweet, so gentile. I wished that he was able to treat me that way all of the time. But I knew that he wouldn't.

"Jason," I breathed out. I wanted to tell him no. I wanted to push him off of me, but I couldn't. If I told him no and made him stop he would explode. I was afraid of what he would do to me if I tried to make him quit. He was so intimidating. I really hated how much power he held over me. 

"Shh, baby. Don't speak. Let's just do this. Let's be together one last time. After tonight you can decide if you want to still be with me or not," he whispered in my ear. The way he spoke made it seem like I had never left. He always twisted his words like that.

"Jason, I-,"

I was interrupted with his lips gently pressing to mine. "Please don't talk, baby." The smell of whisky was strong on his breath. He had me pinned up against the wall, unable to move away from him like I desperately wanted to. 

He moved his attention back to my neck once I stopped talking. "I miss you, baby," he warmly whispered. "I miss the way you taste. I miss the way you feel. I miss everything about you," he said between kisses being placed down my neck. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world.

I melted at his touch as he placed a hand gently on my cheek. I missed hearing the sweet nothings that he whispered in my ear as we shared these intimate moments. But that's all that they were: nothing. He never meant a single word that he said to me. Jason knew how to get to me. He knew what I liked to hear. It was his way of pulling me back to him, but I couldn't let myself do it. I couldn't go back to him.

"Jason stop." I pushed him off of me and he stumbled backwards. I caught him by surprise, and I think the alcohol helped me a bit with him losing his balance. He caught himself on the desk, stopping the momentum from making him fall over.

Me being in control didn't last for long, though. I saw the anger rise up in him. "God damn it, Kate!" he shouted. His voice echoed on the dorm room walls and I flinched. He balled his hands into fists and began hitting anything in sight. He went from the desk to the wall, and then he looked at me. He took the few steps that it took to get to me and pounded his fists on the wall, my head right in the middle of both his hands. 

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