Chapter 16

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"Harry! Harry get in here!" I called from the bed. I had the covers bunched in my hands holding them right underneath my chin. 

"Harry's not here," the harsh demon like voice growled from across the room staring out of the bay window with his hands on his sides.

"Where is he?" I whimpered attempting to hold back my tears. I didn't want to cry. I've cried way too much this past week.

"I have no fucking clue, he left," Jason snapped.

"What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do shit to him. I told you. He left." I didn't get why he would just leave without telling me. I had no way of getting to work or even back to Camilla's dorm from here. I didn't understand why he didn't even wake me up telling me he was leaving.

My mind quickly went to the worst sanerio, that Jason hurt him. He could have attacked him or something. I knew how intimidating and forceful Jason could be, and though Harry is able to hold his ground better than I am, Jason could do so much to him.

I decided to move on from that. Fighting over where Harry was or what Jason did or didn't do to him was going to get us no where. I needed an answer to an even bigger question. "Why are you here?"

"What the hell do you think I'm here for? I'm here for you," he said turning around to face me in the bed. "I told you so many damn times that you do not make the decisions. You're coming back with me and that's final. You're not staying with this fucker anymore. I can't even believe you're in his damn bed."

"What do you have against Harry? How did you even find out where I was?"

"He's trying to steel my girl," Jason started walking over towards the bed and sat at the edge and avoiding my second question.

"I'm not your girl," I tried to snap as I looked at the bed avoiding his eye contact. 

"You'll always be my girl," he tried to say sweetly. I saw through his words. I was starting to understand that he never meant anything that he said to me. They were all just vacant words. "Come here," he said pulling the covers off of me and bringing my body closer to his. He leaned up closer towards me and brought his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks. 

Just before our lips were about to touch I quickly woke up. I was out of breath and I was sweating. I was lying on my side in the bed facing the bedside table. I attempted to move closer and grab the glass of water that Harry and placed on there only hours ago, but was stopped by an arm around my waist. I slightly jumped thinking that it was Jason's, but I turned my head to see the familiar tattoos that were drawn on with dark ink covering his tanned skin. 

"Good morning," Harry mumbled into my hair with his beautiful morning voice.

"Hi," I breathed out, still shaken up over the dream that I had just came out of. I hated that my dreams were about Jason.

"You alright, babe?" 

"Yeah," I smiled, turning in Harry's arms to face him. "I am now."

His eyes fluttered open and he had a sleepy smile on his face. It was so hard to think that he was able to attack Jason days ago and that he could be so tough when he lookes like such a playful kid half of the time. I remembered the day that I first met him at the party and he had such force in his voice and he was still so calm. He amazed me.

"Did you sleep well, babe?" he asked as he moved a piece of hair away from my face.

"Yeah, not too bad," I lied.

"Did you dream?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Was it about Jason?" he shockingly asked.

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