Chapter 6

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"This is where we're eating?" Harry questioned as we walked up to the small, dreary building with the name 'Toney's" written across the green, white and red awning. We had to park in a garage and walk the rest of the way to the restaurant, there is little to no parking on the streets in Nashville. 

"I know it doesn't look like much from the outside, or the inside for that matter, but trust me, the food here is really good," I insured. 

"It better be, otherwise you're paying," Harry said with a wink. My heart fluttered a little bit. I figured that he meant he was paying if he liked it. I hadn't expected him to pay, it was something he didn't have to do. 

The inside looked worse than the outside, to be honest. It was perfectly clean in there, it just didn't look like it was. The building was pretty old and there were water marks on the floor and ceiling. The tan and red paint on the walls was beginning to peel off. "Like I said," Harry began. "The food better be incredible." 

The expression on his face was priceless. His eyebrows were knitted together, questioning my sanity probably and his lip was curled. He looked like he was disgusted.

"Table for two?" The man behind the counter asked with his itallian accent as he flipped something that was cooking in a skillet.

"Yup," I replied.

There were only a few other groups of people in the building, this place never really had a ton of people in it. It was probably because the place looked so grungy and dirty from the outside, but I swear, it's got some of the best Italian food I have ever eaten. 

"What would you recommend?" Harry asked after a few minutes of scanning over the menu. 

"Well I'm having the five cheese ziti if that helps at all. I get it every time I come here. Oh and the fried ravioli appetizer. It's the best one."

Harry chuckled as I explained what I was getting. "You must really like it here?" he asked due to the excitement in my voice. 

Like could feel the heat rise to my cheeks after he said that. I realized that I was sounding really overly excited about food. 

"It's one of my favorite places," I finally replied.

"So, Katie, why are you living in the Vanderbilt dorms if you aren't going to school?" Harry asked me after we both ordered the same dish. "How did you even get into the dorms if you don't go to school there? I know everyone there is into charity work but, still, letting a person live on campus like that, that's one big charity project," he laughed.

"What makes you think I'm not going to school?" I asked as I took a sip of my lemonade.

"I assumed because you work at the studio full time," Harry bluntly stated. 

"Well, you're right, I'm not going to school. I use to live with Jason, we moved in together in the spring after graduation. But since I broke it off with him I didn't want to be living there. Camilla said she had an extra bed in her dorm room and that I was welcome to use it so now I'm living in the dorms," I explained. I didn't like having to bring Jason up, I never would again but I knew that his name was going to come out of my mouth at least once a day. I just wanted him out of my mind. 

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