Chapter 27

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"I really am sorry about hiding the plan from you, Katie," Harry whispered as he moved a few strands of hair away from my face. We were lying in bed on our sides facing each other. The lights were off and once again the only light that was coming in the room was from the busy city down below us. "I realize now that it was something that I should have just brought up from the start. Truth is, though, when we were together, I forgot about the entire thing. All I could think about was you. I swear it. Every time after you'd leave though, I'd remember why I was suppose to start talking to you in the first place. It drove me crazy not telling you, honest."

I playfully pushed his tattooed chest away and giggled. "You don't have to keep apologizing, baby," I began. "You've got me back, I'm here with you. And I'm not going anywhere."

He pushed the hair that fell in front of his eyes back and smiled. I loved seeing him in these rare moments without his beanie and liner on. It made me feel special knowing that I was the only one who saw him that way. I wanted to ask him why he never goes out in public like that, not that there's anything wrong with the way he looks when he goes out. But seeing him without off of the extra get up is a bit of a nice refresher every once in a while. I figured, thought, that if he wanted people to see him with out the extra stuff, he'd show it off.

"I just feel bad," he whined like a child.

"You don't have to," I whispered and pulled him closer to me by the small chain around his neck before leaving a small kiss along his tender lips.

He smiled as we pulled away, but then his face went back to seriousness. "You're sure you're not mad?"

I wasn't going to lie, I found it pretty cute how concerned he was over everything. It was part of the reason why I wasn't so mad at him about using me in the beginning. I could tell that he was ashamed of himself for agreeing to the plan, and he was really kicking himself about it. He didn't need me to make him feel any more upset about it.

"Let me tell you something, Harry. Now, you're new to this whole relationship thing, so I'm going to give you a little note. If a girl is mad at you, she won't let you get her into bed that easily, and, if she's really pissed, you'd be sleeping on the sofa."

"Well I had no problem getting you into bed, you practically we begging me to get in," he smiled and tickled me a little bit.

"I was not!" I giggled, partly from being tickled and partly from his exaggerating, but mostly from being tickled. "I simply said babe lets go to bed, and you came right on that band wagon!"

He kept on ticking me and my laughter started echoing along the walls of the bedroom, and shortly after his laughter chimed in with mine. It was a beautiful sound, his laugh. It was just like a kids, happy and loud.

Before I knew it, Harry had moved on top of me, his legs straddling my hips, and he was still slightly tickling my sides as he leaned down and started kissing my lips. He only stopped tickling me when I started kissing him back.

The kiss was soft and sweet. I slightly smiled each and every time out lips made contact and I knew he was smiling too. His lips were soft, yet urgent. I could tell that he was trying to describe how he felt about me through the kiss. He bit my bottom lip slightly and I giggled a little as he did it. This was Harry and I's first real kiss. And it was perfect. I loved the way his lips tasted of spearmint. I loved the way he tightened his grip and released his grip with each movement of his lips. I moved my fingers through his loopy curls and lightly tugged at the strands. Harry left one last long, urgent moment on my lip, before giving me a small peck. He pulled saw and looked me hard in the eyes with his pine green eyes.

"That was some first kiss," his low accent stated.

"The best first kiss," I agreed.


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