Chapter 36

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Harry's POV.

"How was work today?" I call from the couch as I hear Katie walk through the door.

She walked over towards the couch and slumped down in the cushion next to me. "I take it not so good?" I asked, shutting the television off and turning to face her.

"Collin hired someone in place of you," she sighed. "And I'm pretty sure it's just to try to get me to stay away from you."

I zeroed in on her face. Katie was twiddling with a piece of her hair using her thumb and forefinger and nervously biting her bottom lip. Something was up. "What makes you say that?"

She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. "The guy knew a log about what happened, why you got fired. She knew that you and I were dating, and he tried to kiss me. Collin hired him very quickly, which makes it seem even more obvious that it's to keep me away from you. I think he wants me to fall for this guy."

I stopped listing after she said the bastard tried kissing her.

"He what?" I shouted, leaping off the couch in a huff. "He tried to fucking kiss you? After he knew you were dating me? Clearly Collin had to have told him about my fighting. I mean does he not think I'm gonna kick his fucking ass for this? The fucking bastard!"

"Harry, please. Don't get too worked up over this," Katie said with worried eyes. "It was when we first introduced each other, and I'm pretty sure he was aiming for my cheek. Please just don't do anything that'll get you into trouble."

"Do you really think I would be that sloppy, Katie? Don't you think I'd cover my tracks? I'd do just what I did to fucking Collin and beat the shit out of that poor bastard, and let it be known to him that if he tells a soul, he'll get pounded even worse."

I didn't know what I was saying until the words escaped. Fuck.


"I'd make sure he wouldn't tell anyone," I tried to cover up.

"Yeah, I got that," she started, her eyebrows angrily twisting together. "You gave Collin the black eye, didn't you? That's why your knuckles were still a bloodied, it wasn't from Jason, it was from Collin."

"Babe, I can explain," I tried to say as calmly as I could.

Katie started to stand from the couch, she was properly pissed off. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"It was when he kissed you, Katie! I was trying to defend you! He had no right to even touch you!"

"You of all people should have known that violence is not the way that I'd like a problem to be solved. You should have known that! You knew how Jason treated me, and now you're doing that to other people! God, you're just like him!" she spat.

Her vicious words hit me like a bullet, and triggered something inside of me. The last thing I wanted to ever do was have a fight with Katie, but she was pissing me the fuck off. "You're comparing me to fucking Jason? That prick? I'm nothing like him! It's not like I hurt you! I was defending you! I was protecting you! Jason's in a complete different realm. I'm nothing like him! And all up until this moment, you seemed pretty damn happy that I was around. What do you think would have happened if I wasn't at your dorm with you the day he showed up outside the door? What do you think would have happened if I hadn't brought you back here when his car was in the parking lot? You'd be right fucking back with him because you don't fucking now how to stand up for yourself. You can't do shit own your own."

I took one look at her breaking face, and was quick to take back my words. "Katie-," I tried to start.

"Don't," she choked, holding up a hand to stop me from speaking. "You're right, I can't do shit on my own. When it comes to my abusive ex-boyfriend who scares the shit out of me, I can't do a thing. I'm sorry I was such a burden for you," she said as she turned towards the door that she had just come through moments ago.

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