Chapter 43 | Rescue

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Chapter 43 | Rescue

In the heavy dark silence he left behind, she stacked and put away those small desires to be someone else, to want more than she had, and she got back to the business of being Shelby Monroe, Art Teacher. It was enough. And if sometimes she wanted to scream, or cry, or find some stranger to prove to her that she wasn't totally dead inside or invisible to the world, it was an urge she could easily overcome.

She had overcome worse.

I sighed, flipping the book to the next page. I was reading a romance novel, Between the sheets by Molly O'Keefe.

It was sappy and the only thing to keep my mind occupied in this prison cell.

I grabbed the cup of coffee beside and drank from it as I continued reading the sappy novel.

I hadn't realised that there was no more coffee in the cup as I peeled my eyes off the book to the small tiny cup, which I held delicately in my hands.

I stood up, placing the book on the bed and went to the espresso machine that I had asked Waller to put there for me. Placing the cup under the machine, I waited patiently as I thought of my days outside the prison cell, reminiscing them and smiled a little.

The guards around me had lessened greatly. There were dozens of guards before this, but now, there were only five or so. I had not made any move to escape or misbehaved whenever they told me to something. Due to the great change in my behaviour, they had lessened the guards, thinking that they didn't need too many guards to baby-sit me.

Out of nowhere, a loud explosive sound came beside me and I shrieked as I moved behind, clutching my chest to stop my heart's rapid beating. Soon, there was smoke everywhere blocking my vision and I looked around frantically to see what is happening.

Soon, gunshots filled the once silent air of the prison and I stiffened as I looked around at the group of people wearing black SWAT uniform entering the cell with machine guns in their hands. They started shooting at the guards standing around me and I covered my ears, backing away to the corner of the cage as my heart beat increased rapidly.

Confusion and fear was running all over my body and I tensed when I saw a man using a saw machine to break open the door of my cage. I breathed to calm myself down as the door to my cage opened.

The door opened and one of the SWAT members came in, standing in front of me. I looked up, expecting him to say something, when his hands went up, touching his mask as he peeled them off his face and threw the mask to the floor before giving me a wide grin.

Is this happening?

Am I dreaming?

Its him.

The icy blue eyes of his shimmered with delight and relief as he walked towards me in slow strides. Happiness was exploding in my heart and I felt like I was in a dream.

My lips curved into a wide grin as I took in the unbelievable sight.

My puddin' is alive.

"Puddin'!" I yelled, jumping onto him as his strong familiar muscular arms circled around me, pulling me closer.

I breathed in his scent and smiled.

It is real.

He is alive.

"Let's go home." He said in my ear as he rubbed my arms, stroking his finger softly on me. Something he does to calm me down and it was working.

I squealed happily and he pulled away, grabbing my hand in his tightly, so tight it was almost as if he was afraid to let me go. He walked out of the cage, and started walking fast through the opening he had created into the wall. His men were staying beside us, making sure to take care of any problem that they might encounter.

I couldn't be more happier. It was as if my soul had returned to me. My heart had returned to me, pounding and beating just for my puddin' like it always did.

He kept dragging me away and we were almost jogging now when guards started appearing, confused on who is the opponent and who is on their side because they were all wearing the same uniform.

We reached out safely through all the chaos and my body finally hit fresh air as I squealed when I saw the purple lamborghini parked outside with Frost leaning against it with a crooked smile on his face as he saw me.

"Frosty!" I squealed and puddin' laughed happily and I could see the smile on Frosty's face widening a bit more.

Puddin' pushed me in the lamborghini and took of his helmet, throwing it towards Frosty who caught it swiftly. The engine of the lamborghini rumbled to life as we sped away on the high way, laughing in excitement as I yelled towards the prison, "Bubye Losers!"

Joker laughed as he drove speedily, giving me a wide grin and I returned one when my eyes widened with realisation.

"Puddin' I had forgotten to bring my espresso machine with me!" I almost yelled and pouted and puddin' turned around to give me a blank stare.

"I am alive and breathing sitting next to ya after three weeks and all you can think of is your espresso machine?" He asked, pouting sadly.

"I just got it." I said, my shoulders slumping in my seat as I pursed my lips.

"I will buy ya a bigger one babe." He said seriously, rolling his eyes and I turned to look at him. "In fact I will buy you dozens of espresso machines and ya can go and fuck 'em since ya love them more than me apparently."

Jealousy radiated off him as he glared at the road annoyingly, mumbling curse words under his breath. I laughed and leaned forward to peck his cheek to which he purred and grinned, but there was still an annoyed glint in his eyes.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the man who is jealous of an espresso machine.


Hiya my puddins!


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