Chapter 9 | Frost

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Chapter 9 | Frost

"Remember that guy I was gushing about on phone?" Debby asked, putting her empty glass down on the table as she raised her eyebrows at me, a feeling of uneasiness etched on her face.

"I do." I replied, taking the pomegranate juice that Ivy had made for us, and sipped it. Debby and me were sitting on a table in the garden, clearing all the doubts. After my blackout, Ivy had used her flowers to wake me up. I had remembered everything about Debby. They had all returned back to me and I felt all my mizzing puzzles fix themselves except the fact that I felt like there was something wrong. Something that is still missing.

"He is evil. He is the reason I'm like this." She said, pointing at her hair and her body, and then her fists banged the table.

"Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you that. Why are you like this? Pale skin. Pale blue hair. Did you jump in a vat of chemicals too?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes at her questioningly.

"No." She said, giving me a cheeky smile. She knows what happened to me. I had just told everything about my past to her but she still couldn't understand how I fell in love with the Joker.


No one can.

"It all started off well." She sighed, "He was the perfect dream guy. Blonde hair. Green eyes. Wonderful. Then, we were becoming closer and closer, it had been a month. We went on fun dates. He took me places. Bought me food. It was great. One day he invited me to his house and showed me his weird lab under the house. It was huge." She paused, placing her hands on her forehead, her tone getting serious and there was pin drop silence. Her eyebrows creased. I could hear my heart pounding and I knew something terrible had happened at the look on her face.

"Then." Her voice cracked. She looked up and I almost gasped at the emotions swirling inside the clear water standing frozen in her eyes, refusing to drop down. "He told me that he was using me for some crappy experiment of his and he was going to do it on me. He f-forced me and I had to do it. I was frightened, I had never been so scared in my life. He tied me up, b-blindfolded me and strapped me to a metal chair. He put wires on me." She showed her wrists and there were small holes showing the piercing of needles in them. I gasped, covering my mouth.

"It was hours of pure torture. I cried, screamed and begged. But, he wouldn't budge. And then something went wrong. My straps were off me and he threw me into a tub of water. Ice cold water. I thought I died. I could see the flash of memories before my very own eyes. I saw you. I saw Tom. I saw everyone. I saw everything." She said, pausing. "I woke up later. I don't know when. The whole house was burned to the ground. It was destroyed. And, I came out to look like this." She said and then looked at me.

"I called you. I left you tons of messages and you didn't answer them. I was so angry and I was so frustrated. I decided to come to Gotham to search for you and I did because I didn't have anyone else except you. I was in a local bar, still searching for you and Ivy came and talked to me all by herself. She said she can help me and knew what my problem was. And so, here I am." She said, giving me a sad smile.

I tried to process my thoughts. "How long have you been here?" I asked.

"A week and a half." She said.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"Much better after seeing you." She said, squeezing my hands and gave me a heartwarming smile. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I said and looked down at her hand. Coldness creeped up my arms and goosebumps erupted all over my skin tickling me and I shivered. "Your hands are so cold."

"Yeah. I know." She shrugged, giving me a lopsided smile. "I can do some cool stuff ya know. Wanna see?" She asked and I nodded my head up and down. She stood up and walked over to the firepit.

"Burn it up." She said to me and I did what she said, grabbing the matchbox beside it and lit the stick up, throwing it into the pit. It lit up in bright flames. Debby held her hands in front of the flame and suddenly, the flames bent towards her hands like as if they were magnets.

The fire inched closer and closer and it flew, into the palm of her hand and my eyes widened. I rubbed them to make sure that I am not hallucinating. The fire started going into her hand like as they were vacuum machines, being sucked into her palms. She didn't flinch a little bit.

She stood there firmly and with a sudden move, her hands faced away from the fire and she shot ice out of her hand, making me stunned. The frosty white ice layed on the grass, covering them, making them look like little forests. It was enchanting. More ice came out of her hands and she laced the whole wooden frame surrounding us, that hung above us with ice, not missing a single piece. The air around me went colder and I could see my breath in the air. The cold that had seemed mild at first now numbed my face and extremities.

The biting cold chilled my fingers into clumsy numbness, cold seeped into my toes and spread painfully throughout my feet as if it were my bare feet on the pristine icy whiteness rather than my colorful sneakers. My heart was pumping slower due to the icy frost burning my body. I was still - frozen in my tracks and unable to move. My face was purple and my lips were blue.

"Frost." I managed to utter out.



Has anyone figured out who Debby is? If you have, comment them. Hehe. Happy belated christmas to everyone! (I'm so sorry I couldn't wish on that day. Forgive me. :< Hope you all enjoyed your christmas!) :p

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